Assessment task details and instructions
“Today supply chains do much more than just physically moving products and materials from one location to another. The digital, interconnected world demands that supply chains also serve as a connected, coordinated information ecosystem that delivers maximum flexibility, visibility, and transparency,” notes Scott Sopher, a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP and leader of its Global Supply Chain practice.
Based on the above statement, you are asked to choose a sector/industry (e.g., food, technology, healthcare, retail, services, automotive), and critically:
- Appraise how the supply chain structure has been evolved in the last five years in terms of globalisation, consolidation and integration
- Evaluate how cooperation and creation of logistics clusters help to alleviate the demand amplification (bullwhip effect) phenomenon
- Discuss how advanced technologies (e.g., Big Data analytics, Internet of Things, Omnichannel) enhance connectivity and improve overall supply chain performance in the sector/industry.
For each question above, you should support your arguments by bringing into the discussion 1-2 examples of companies that belong to the selected sector/industry. You will also need to consider the following when completing your assignment:
- Quality of executive summary (does it give a brief complete summary of your paper for an executive to read?)
- Establishment of relevant theory (e.g. how supply chain environments are differentiated from region to region?)
- Allocation of credit and sources used (have I included references and citations to the material I have used?)
- Clarity of argument
- Overall report presentation including spelling and grammar
- Adherence to nominated word limit (+/- 10%)
- Word processed (letter size 12, times new roman, 1.5 space)
- Fully referenced (Harvard Referencing System
Marking scheme:
Use of theory/reference to course ideas
Quality of argument
Citation and References
Please remember that marks for the assignment will also be awarded in relation to presentation and structure, and aspects such as the use of examples, figures, tables, illustrations and statistics that indicate wider/independent reading.
Explicit marking criteria and mark ranges can be found below.
Assessed intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
- Critically analyse the theory, concepts and models of global supply chain management to interpret and understand complex and ambiguous risks in global logistics and supply chain environments.
- Synthesise facts and ideas in support of an argument when evolving alternative solutions and concepts such as lean and agile supply
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of global lead-time management and time-compression.
- Critically evaluate the role of national and regional distribution centres (NDC/RDC) and warehouse management systems (WMS)in the strategic development of international supply chains
- Demonstrate a sound understanding of the role and importance of an integrated and responsible approach in shaping managerial attitudes and actions, and in the establishment and maintenance of cross-functional teams and longer-term stakeholder relationships
Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
- Leads by example - as high levels of self-awareness, emotional and social intelligence, empathy and compassion, and able to identify mental well-being in others. Work collaboratively enabling empowerment and delegation - acts with humility and authenticity, is credible, confident and resilient.
- Judgement and Challenge - Takes personal accountability aligned to clear values. Demonstrates flexibility and willingness to challenge when making decisions and solving problems - instils confidence demonstrating honesty, integrity, openness, and trust.
- Courage & Curiosity - is confident and brave, willing to innovate, seeks new ideas and looks for contingencies. Manages complexity and ambiguity, comfortable in uncertainty, and is pragmatic.
- Valuing Difference - engaging with all, is ethical and demonstrates inclusivity, recognising diversity, championing, and enabling cultural inclusion. Empowers and motivates to inspire and support others.
- Professional Reflects on own performance, demonstrates professional standards in relation behaviour and ongoing development. Advocates the use of good practice within and outside the organisation.
Transferable Skills and other Attributes
- Identify and utilise appropriate methods for collecting and analysing data related to global supply chain management issues.
- Locate, summarise and synthesise a range of information from published literature and electronic sources on global supply chain management.
- Work on their own and with others in analysing and presenting solutions to complex supply chain issues in a range of diverse environments.
- Manage their time to meet deadlines in both group discussions and in preparation of in-class activities