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Demonstrate clear knowledge of the underpinnings of childhood in its historical Origins


LO Ref

Learning Outcome


Demonstrate clear knowledge of the underpinnings of childhood in its

historical origins


Apply a critical understanding of education globally, systematic

knowledge of Childhood and young people’s development,

political and economic perspectives


Critically explore, examine and evaluate international curriculums past and present for children and young people.

Assessment Brief

Task 1



Module Title

Historical and International Perspectives



Assessment Type/Element/Title


Academic critical reflective report

% Weighting


Word count (inc equivalent or duration


Programme/Award Title



BA(Hons) Childhood and Youth Studies


Assignment Title

Academic report on the historical and International perspectives of childhood.



Submission Deadline


Turnitin Code

(where applicable)


Assessment Task Overview

Academic critically reflective report that identifies the historical and international perspectives available for children and youth.

Learning Outcomes to be assessed (from Module specification)

  1. 1.    Demonstrate clear knowledge of the underpinnings of childhood in its historical Origins
  2. Apply a critical understanding of education globally, systematic knowledge of Childhood and young people’s development, political and economic perspectives

Penalties for late submission of assessment


Any work submitted after the submission deadline shall be marked as 0%, unless the student has received an approved application for extenuating circumstances. Non-submission of assessed coursework within the submission deadline shall indicate non-engagement with assessment

Failure to submit assessment


The submission and receipt of assessed coursework shall comply with University regulations. Late submission of this or any of the other stages of assessment for this module will incur a penalty according to SHU Academic Regulations.  Use link below to SHU website for full academic regulations:

Assignment Task

A 2500-word academic report that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the underpinning of childhood in its historical origins, whilst critically evaluating education globally.


You are an assistant manager of an educational setting where your manager has requested that you research and produce an academic report of historical education curriculums for an upcoming student exchange scheme they have planned for the setting.

What you will need to cover within the report: - political and economic perspectives

  • Historical origins of childhood - including political
  1. Findings from the Beveridge report
  2. Legislative change in childhood
  • Critical understanding of education globally /   economic perspectives
  1. Critique Legislation both UK and globally
  2. Knowledge of children and young people`s development both UK and globally
  3. Knowledge of the funding of Education and the pupil premium both in UK and globally

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