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Design a presentation, with a handout, that explains the differences between analog and digital communication. In the presentation you should also provide examples of different types of digital technologies



ATHE Level 4 Extended Diploma in Sports Management (120 Credits)

Unit Number and Title

Unit D/617/1139 Digital Communications

Assignment No. & Title

1 of 1- Digital Communications


You work as a training and development officer for a digital communications company. Your job is to support the digital marketing team, and this includes research and the design of training products for different end-users.

You have been asked by your line manager to support the digital marketing team with a two-day conference, which the team is organising. The conference is aimed at creating more awareness about  digital communications.

You have been tasked with undertaking research and generating materials that will be used in workshops at the conference.

Activity 1: Unit D/617/1139 Digital Communications

The first workshop, in the morning of day one is based on digital communications technologies and emerging trends. A member of the marketing team is going to deliver a presentation and provide a handout and an article to conference delegates on this topic. You have been tasked with producing the material.

  • Design a presentation, with a handout, that explains the differences between analog and digital communication. In the presentation you should also provide examples of different types of digital technologies. (AC 1.1)
  • In addition, undertake research that examines new and emerging trends in digital communications technologies. You must present the evaluation as an article that can be given out to conference delegates. (AC 1.2)

This provides evidence for LO1 ACs 1.1, 1.2

Merit task

To achieve a Merit, you must evaluate the use of digital communications technologies in a named organisation. The evaluation should be added to the article which will be issued to conference delegates. (AC 1M1)

This provides evidence for LO1 AC 1M1

Activity 2

You have been asked to lead the second workshop, in the afternoon of day one. This will involve you preparing a presentation with speaker notes to discuss key points on the impact of digital communications within different environments.

  • Design a presentation with speaker notes that explains how digital communications have impacted on communications procedures within the workplace. (AC 2.1) The presentation should also discuss the impact of digital communications technology on oral and written communications. ( AC 2.3)
  • Within the presentation and speaker notes you need to analyse the societal impact of digital communication tools. (AC 2.2)

This provides evidence for LO2 ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Distinction task

To achieve a Distinction, you need to gather and analyse a range of information from end users on their opinions about how digital communications have impacted on their job roles and working environment.(AC 2D1)

This provides evidence for LO2 AC 2D1

Activity 3: Unit D/617/1139 Digital Communications

Day two of the conference will involve delegates working together in groups. The key theme for discussion in the morning session focuses on issues of accessibility, security and portability in digital communications.

You have been asked to produce a report that addresses this key theme which can be used by delegates as part of their discussion groups.

The report should be divided into three sections.

  • Section one should assess the barriers that exist in terms of accessibility to digital communications. (AC 3.1)
  • Section two should discuss how individuals and organisations can protect themselves against digital communications security threats. (AC 3.2)



  • The final section in the report should assess the importance of portability as a factor of digital communications growth. You should include both positive and negative factors within the content for discussion. (AC 3.3)

This provides evidence for LO3 ACs 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. Distinction task

In order to achieve a Distinction, you must add a further section to the report which:

Analyses issues with a breach of digital security in a named organisation and the action taken. ( 3D1)

This provides evidence for LO3 AC 3D1

Activity 4: Unit D/617/1139 Digital Communications

The final afternoon session on day two of the conference will be held in computer-based rooms. Delegates will be supported in finding information and evidence of blogging, digital content management and social networking platforms.

To support the session, you are required to put together a delegate guide. This should include:

  • Written and visual content (links, pictures, screenshots etc.) to explain the use of blogging software in the design of a series of topical updates/posts. (AC 4.1)
  • A section discussing the features of content management. (AC 4.2)
  • A section covering the benefits and drawbacks of using social networking platforms. (AC 4.3)

This provides evidence for ACs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3

Merit task

To achieve a Merit, evaluate the design of a blog, and identify how it could be improved. This is a practical task that delegates will be completing in the workshop session. You therefore need to complete the same task, so you are sure it is achievable in the workshop. (AC4M1)

This provides evidence for AC 4M1

Resources – Web based: Unit D/617/1139 Digital Communications



http://nptel.ac.in/ (very good detailed info site. Pls type your topic in the search box and it will guide you to a section where they have detailed and good videos for the said topic).

https://freevideolectures.com/course/2311/digital-communication (Professor from IIT Bombay explaining Digital Communication)

https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-450-principles-of-digital- communications-i-fall-2006/video-lectures/lecture-1-introduction/



All these sites talk about the digital communication evolution with a good overview on what constitutes analog and digital signals – what are they and what is the trans versing process. Objective is to learn the basics so that the premise and foundation of the concept and scientific process becomes clear.


Principles of Digital Communication – Robert G. Gallager

It explains each concept in a very lucid manner along with illustrations, interesting and easy to understand the subject at basic level. However, a book may be too technical in terms of only digital communication since the technical part of the communication methodology is vast and therefore very elaborate.

Articles: https://www.ijcsmc.com/docs/papers/January2016/V5I1201629.pdf

https://www.britannica.com/topic/media-convergence/Transmedia-storytelling https://truedigitalcom.com/social-media/

(the true digital site has got a lot of informative challenge-to-solution examples that are explained through various scenarios)


Though CGPR is a company website, the information they have on the website is useful. They have given short scenarios (like the URL shared) where they analyse the need for social media – the medium, the strategy, the audience, the brand and the objective.

The articles provide a good view on where digital communication is taking the world to, specially the millennial. It will help understand the constructs and approaches for social media strategies, efficient use of mediums, building good use cases, effectively targeting audiences, need for good and creative content at al.

Guidelines for Submission of Assignments:

  • Ø Submit a hardcopy of the assignment report and presentation slides with assignment front sheet and signed declaration.
    • Ø Assignment must be typed using single spacing and size 12 with Times New Roman.
    • Ø Heading and subheading can be bold with underline if required
    • Ø Text must be justified
    • Ø Must contain the heading of the table/chart/diagram if used
    • Ø All pages must be numbered

 Unit D/617/1139 Digital Communications

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