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Determine the type of business mathematics and finance problem by analyzing terminology.

Subject Title 
MBF101 - Mathematics of Business and Finance

Subject Description 
This course provides students with the fundamentals of mathematics of business and finance.  Following the introduction of concepts of present and percent change, simple and compound interest rates will be discussed.  Compound interest rates will be applied to the study of annuities.  Students will also learn important models of business mathematics, such as currency conversion, trade discounts, markups and markdowns, break-even and cost-volume-analysis.

Learning Outcomes: MBF101 - Mathematics of Business and Finance
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:

  1. Determine the type of business mathematics and finance problem by analyzing terminology.
  2. Select a problem solving strategy, formula(s) and computational tools to solve business problems.
  3. Apply formula(s), computational tools and problem solving techniques to solve business and finance mathematics problems.
  4. Calculate the solution to business and finance mathematics problems, including percent, simple and compound interest, annuities and their applications.
  5. Explain the solution in the context of the problem.
MBF101 - Mathematics of Business and Finance
Determine the type of business mathematics and finance problem by analyzing terminology. Mathematics is a significant piece of overseeing business. Business and mathematics go connected at the hip this is on the grounds that business manages cash and cash includes everything in itself. There is a requirement for everybody to oversee cash as some point or the other to take choices which expects everybody to know mathematics. Business mathematics is utilized by business undertakings to record and oversee business tasks. Business associations use mathematics in bookkeeping, stock administration, advertising, deals guaging, and monetary examination. It assists you with knowing the monetary recipes, parts; estimations engaged with revenue computation, recruit rates, compensation computation, tax computation and so forth which assist with finishing business errands productively. Business mathematics likewise incorporates insights and gives answer for business issues.

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