Evaluate the influence of strategic choice on the structure, culture, leadership and direction of an organisation
Unit :R/506/2117 Provide strategic leadership and direction
Please read carefully and follow the guidelines outlined below:
When answering the questions, you may need research and/or refer to support documents to gain evidence. When doing so it is important to put all researched evidence into your own words and reference quotations accordingly to avoid plagiarism.
Ensure all answers are written in paragraph format, do not used bullet points, lists or indents to answer questions. In addition, you will need to provide full explanations and include examples of your working practice where required. When including examples from work practice describe what you have done personally by using terminology such as ‘I have’ or ‘I do’
All questions answered should be theoretically based (from research) to confirm application.
Word count – there is no expectation for this however as guidance you may wish to look to produce 300-600 words per questionand where asked to research and compare theories or models of practice it is essential you use at least 2 sources of research for each question. These will include research evidence, organisations information and examples of your contribution or situations you have dealt with or deal with on a daily basis.
Please note when analysing, you need to explain about the concepts and identify your thoughts on them and make a case for your reasons.
When evaluating, you need to reflect and include what works and/or can work well, what does not work well and/or might not work well, and future thinking.
Guidance on expectations for the content of the answer has been provided in italics below the question.
Unit: 2117 Knowledge Questions
1.2: 1.3: Evaluate:
a) the influence of strategic choice on the structure, culture, leadership and direction of an organisation:
b) The role of strategic leadership and direction when operating in turbulent markets and periods of significant change.
Here, you need to include research on what strategic choice is about, and how it can influence an organisation/business’s structure, culture, leadership and direction. In your evaluation, link this to your organisation identifying its influence on your structure, culture, leadership and direction, identifying what is going well, what is not going so well and ideas you have to add going forward, including your contingencies to stabilise your organisation/business to support any significant change, bearing in mind, the market can become turbulent.
1.4 Analyse the characteristics and suitability of a range of leadership styles used to provide strategic direction
From research provided information on a variety of leadership styles used to ensure strategic direction within an organisation/ business including their characteristics. Make your case on how positively or negatively their characteristics can or cannot be suitable in providing strategic direction for your organisation/ business.
1.5: Evaluate the nature, influence and implications of an empowerment strategy
Here, you need to research and explain what ‘empowerment’ means to an organisation/business. Explain ways an empowerment strategy can support in its nature and how it can influence a business. Relate this to how an empowerment strategy can work well in influencing your organisation, including areas you feel might not work so well and what can be included to ensure positive implications within the organisation.
2.1: 2.3: Evaluate the impact of leadership styles on strategic decisions in relation to operational, financial strategies and objectives on internal and external stakeholders.
(Using the leadership styles you have already identified above in 1.4, relate your answer here to your organisation/ business and your role in it
2.4: 3.1: Explain ways you apply strategies used to motivate your employees and enhance their performance; identify and evaluate tools and processes used to measure the performance of your business and its people.
(Include the role you perform within this).
3.3: 3.4: Evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation’s employee engagement and employee relations strategies and, the environmental and social impact of your organisation.
(Include research information on the effectiveness of ‘employee engagement’ to an organisation before including your evaluation which should also include your role within this)
Unit :R/506/2117 Provide strategic leadership and direction
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