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Evaluate theories and evidence supporting the rationales for clinical decision making and choices of action in the practice setting.

The assignment assesses outcomes 1 and 3 (see below) of the module. Outcomes 2, 4, 5 and 6 are assessed in practice.
Outcome 1: Evaluate theories and evidence supporting the rationales for clinical decision making and choices of action in the practice setting.
Outcome 3: Demonstrate leadership skills in critically analysing theories of leadership and communication within the healthcare team which enhances the patient experience, and promotes a culture of transparency, openness and learning.
Assessment Description:
The module is assessed by each student producing a 15 minute Vodcast to be submitted at a date to be advised. This is a narrated powerpoint presentation which has to be submitted as a zipped file. Please ensure that your sound media and powerpoint package are compatible with those used by the university.
• Students will select an example (SCENARIO) of leadership that they have carried out or witnessed in their Nursing practice experience. While outcome 1 refers to rationales for clinical decision making the module pertains to leadership, and is concerned with how decisions are made, and not the clinical rationales supporting the decision.
Outcome 3 which is the other module outcome assessed in the vodcast concerns how communication is used to apply leadership that enhances patient care. Within the presentation it is expected that students will discuss, analyse and examine the use of communication and interpersonal skills to carry out leadership. It is necessary to explain the facts surrounding the chosen situation only sufficiently to establish the context and background of the example. Furthermore when selecting the example to use as the focus for this assignment it is necessary that multiple individuals are involved.

Assessment Rationale:
The vodcast consists of 15 slides maximum. Slides 1-10 include the main content which follow the structure provided below. The first 10 slides are accompanied by a commentary on each slide which totals 15 minutes. Select a design template format which is professional and aesthetically appealing. Consider the content of each slide and how your narration complements and works alongside the powerpoint slides. Each narration should be approximately 90 seconds in length. However, this is not prescriptive. The commentary on some slides (such as the introduction) may be briefer. At the other extreme if your commentary on a slide exceeds 2 minutes this may have a detrimental impact on the flow and balance with which you cover the content of your vodcast.
Slides 11-15 have no commentary and are the reference list which needs to be a complete list of all of the sources used in the Vodcast. References can be named in the commentary or written on the text of the slides. Ideally the referencing of your vodcast should be a mix of both verbal references and written on the text of the slide.
The following is guidance on the length, format structure and content of the assessment, and it is expected that this will be followed exactly. Conforming to this structure will allow your marker to more easily assess your work, and will ensure consistency with feedback. Departing from the criteria will lose marks, or even mean that the student is not successful.
Slide 1: Leadership in nursing
Include Student Identification number
Provide a commentary stating what will be covered in the vodcast.
Slide 2: The instance of leadership on which the discussion focuses, and why this specific example has been chosen. Include only factual information
Slide 3 Leadership theory. What is leadership? Why is leadership in healthcare essential, and how does it contribute to enhancing patient care?
Slide 4 What is the style of leadership that is relevant to the example that has been chosen in slide 2.
Slides 5-7 Relate the chosen style of leadership to the example identified in slide 2. Select specific aspects of the example which are consistent with the theory. Critique the theory and consider strengths and weaknesses.
Slides 8-9 Offer summaries, key learning points and the overall learning emerging from the example and identify how this will inform the student’s practice now, and in the future.
Slide 10 Conclusion – What has the Vodcast covered? An overview of the content, to demonstrate skills in structuring academic work.
Slides 11-15, the Reference List consists only of the references used in the Vod-cast, formatted in accordance with the Harvard system
Do not include anything in your submission other than the powerpoint slides and your narrated commentary on slides 1-10. You may wish to add visuals and images to enhance your presentation. However, these need to be logically consistent with the content. Avoid over-crowding slides.

Outcomes 1 and 3 will be met by your 15 minute Vodcast on the theme of leadership in practice. In the Vodcast you will discuss an example of leadership and relate this to relevant sources of theory. You will examine what is leadership, how this is manifest in practice and the constituent elements of an effective leader. You will also involve relevant sources of literature and incorporate evidence-based practice in the form of utilising and applying the findings of research in a manner which illuminates and deepens your appreciation of practice. Within the Vodcast students demonstrate awareness of own needs and the value of receiving supervision/ support/ advice as appropriate.

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