Instructions for assessment
The coursework assignment requires students to submit a 2500 word assignment by the above deadline. Your work needs to show that you have accessed good quality information on your market and product (e.g. Mintel) and that you have used the ideas about marketing from the module (e.g. from the lecture materials and from the core text)
The assignment requires students to describe and analyse marketing activities associated with the launch of a new or improved product or service.
The assignment needs to contain the following elements:
Product/Service Description
a) A brief description of the new or improved product or service that is the focus of your group work
Outline Market Analysis
b) Include a brief analysis of the market:
c) Key market trends (e.g. growth trends)
d) Who are the key competitors and how are they positioned?
e) Summarise the current customer attitudes/behaviours in this market
f) Identify the main issues / opportunities you think are relevant
Segmentation, targeting and positioning
g) What base(s) of segmentation you have used and why?
Include size, geo-demographic, psychographic etc.
h) Summarise the profile and persona of your target market
i) Include a statement that identifies why your target market should buy your improved product or service– i.e. what benefits it now offers and what problems it solves?
Your Recommended Marketing Mix (given your analysis above)
j) Product (include branding and packaging)
k) Pricing Strategy
l) Promotional Strategy including Digital Media
m) Channel or Distribution Strategy
n) Your work needs to show that you have accessed good quality information on your market and product (e.g. Mintel) and that you have used the ideas about marketing from the module (e.g. from the lecture materials and from the core text)