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New York State politicians and the head of New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision are looking to save money by proposing the closing of five or six mostly minimum and medium security prisons

This paper deals with the main theme of the jail health-care crises in which you have to discuss and provide factual data over the given scenario. Moreover, you are required to use APA citations in every paragraph.


New York State politicians and the head of New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision are looking to save money by proposing the closing of five or six mostly minimum and medium security prisons. They determined, after doing some homework, that prisons often do not have a rehabilitative effect on inmates, based on nationwide re-arrest rates within three years of discharge at 68 percent. Discuss in detail what the current research has to say on this issue and what, if any, individual and system level changes in prison and parole needs to be implemented to ensure the successful transition of inmates back into the community. 

You should use APA citations, cite in every paragraph, and let me make it clear that you only use the sources provided (absolutely no outside sources) Your report needs to be six-pages, typed double spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, and using 12 pt. 

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