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Promote an environment in which human rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the person and family are respected.

Nursing Practice & Decision Making 1

Assessment Guidelines

Assessment Brief:

This assignment is based on a case study of a patient / service user. The case patient / service user need to be one of the case studies provided on Blackboard or, if agreed with your tutor, a case study of a patient / service user from practice.

In the case study you need to discuss and critique the decision making processes required in the assessment and delivery of care for the patient / service user in the case study (3,500 words +/- 10% excluding references).

This will enable you to draw on some of the theoretical perspectives explored during the module so that you meet the module learning outcomes. The nurse’s role will be an important focus and you will need to demonstrate that you understand the importance of shared decision making in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care.  Although symptom management is an important area additional dimensions are to be considered which can influence how well individuals cope.  This will involve addressing psychosocial factors as well as reflecting on how policy in terms of service delivery can promote person centred care.  

Module Learning Outcomes

  1. Promote an environment in which human rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the person and family are respected.
  2. Undertake a systematic, comprehensive, holistic assessment that enables immediate and personalised care for people with mental and physical health problems.
  3. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of common physical and mental health problems as well as possible co-morbidity, relevant to field of practice.
  4. Critically analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a range of possible evidence based interventions using shared decision making with users, carers and other care professionals.
  5. Recognise, interpret and respond appropriately to signs of deteriorating physical and mental health.  

Essay Structure

  1.  Introduction

An introduction generally need to answer these 3 questions.

  1. What? The introduction must begin by clearly explaining what the essay is about. This section needs to explain in your own words what is required in the assignment brief given above.
  2. How? The third part of the introduction need to outline how the essay is structured.
  3. Why? An introduction needs to articulate why the topic under consideration is of significance.


  1. Brief discussion of the theory of decision making (Learning Outcome 4).
  2. Explain the significance and importance of this topic to nursing practice and/or your development as a student nurse (rationale) (Learning Outcome 4).
  3. Set the scene for the case-study and offer a rationale offering evidence regarding the significance of the chosen case-study. (Learning Outcome 3).
  4. Present a short summary highlighting the important points of the case study (if choosing a patient from practice, include more detailed information as an appendix. Remember to maintain patient confidentiality and remove any identifiable information throughout). (Learning Outcome 3).


The main discussion of your work should demonstrate an understanding of clinical reasoning and decision-making processes applied to the following themes:

  1. Discuss your approach to systematic, comprehensive and personalised holistic assessment of your case patient / service user that identify physical and / or mental and health problems (Learning Outcome 2). You need to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of common physical and mental health problems as well as possible co-morbidity, relevant to your chosen field of nursing practice (Adult / Child / LD / MH). You need to clearly undertake a detailed discussion of each of the needs you have identified (Learning Outcome 3).
  2. Explore and discuss your interpretation and responses to the assessment(s) undertaken. You need to discuss your interpretation and responses to each of the needs identified in your assessment. You need to clearly discuss appropriate symptom management and a plan of on-going care for each of the needs identified. You must consider any signs of actual or potential deterioration of physical and/or mental health (Learning Outcome 5).
  3. Discuss a plan of care required to address the identified needs. Your discussion need to demonstrate appropriate analysis and evaluation of evidence based interventions that use shared decision making with users, carers and other care professionals (Learning Outcome 4). In the discussion of your interventions you need to explore how the promotion of an environment in which human rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the person and family are respected will be created and maintained (Learning Outcomes 1).

NB: You need to provide a sound evidence base for your decisions through the integration of appropriate literature to support your views/arguments.


  1. a.    Summary. Summarise the key learning points that have emerged from the essay.
  2. Recommendations. You may want to identify what you  need to learn or do in order to improve your knowledge and skills you have learnt through undertaking this essay

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