Reflect upon three learning experiences which have helped you examine your own perspectives and values regarding the discrimination towards, and stereotyping of, a particular community
Coursework Two: Portfolio (3,000 words equivalent)
Part One: Reflective Journal
Content, guidance and suggested word count
Section A: Reflect upon three learning experiences which have helped you examine your own perspectives and values regarding the discrimination towards, and stereotyping of, a particular community
Suggested word count of around 1,000
Students are recommended to:
- Give each learning experience its own sub heading
- Describe the principle encapsulated within / essence of each experience
- Resist describing the experiences in too much detail, and thereby save word count for critical analysis / the application of theory
- Cite the theory that the experience most relates to or illustrates
- Not be afraid to highlight their own shortfalls or prejudices (For example to what extent their values and perspectives aligned, internalised and colluded with dominant ideologies and sterotyping? Why they might have behaved this way and what might have been the impact of these behaviours?
- Indicate how the learning could inform their future behaviour or enhance their practice
- Refer to literature as well as reflecting on personal experience, and observations
- Finish with a short, well written paragraph that summarises their position (i.e. their conclusion)
Section B: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of three anti-discriminatory strategies that might support the oppressed community you have chosen
Suggested word count of around 1,000
Students are recommended to:
- Give each anti-discriminatory strategy its own sub heading
- Describe the principle process / essence of each one
- Cite the source (for example, the strategy’s author and date of origin)
- Resist describing the strategy in too much detail, and thereby save word count for critical analysis
- Identify some strong points that would suggest its effectiveness
- Identify some of the strategy’s weaknesses and limitations
- Give some ‘real life’ examples of how the strategy has or has not worked
- Indicate why the strategy might be especially applicable to supporting the chosen community
- Refer to literature as well as reflecting on personal experience, or observations
- Finish with a short, well written paragraph that summarises their position (i.e. their conclusion
Reference list
Should include all items referred to in the assignment
- Wide ranging (including the core text and recommended reading)
- Does not over rely on websites
- Follows academic conventions (Cite them Right)
Presentation: academic conventions followed
* Please ensure you use the submission template provided
As this coursework represents one of your first assignments at Level 4, the portfolio does not take the form of a conventional essay. You can therefore, if you wish:
- use additional sub headings
- include a limited number of bullet points, screenshots or diagrams
- clear, succinct, coherent expression, error free
- spelling and grammar accurate and consistent
- correct use of punctuation
- students may use the first person, for example I witnessed…I felt ... I chose…. However they should ensure that their work doesn’t become too descriptive, informal or conversational.
- as a rule try to make minimal use of the first person
- always ensure the accuracy of your in-text referencing
Part Two: Educational Resource
Students are required to:
Create an educational resource that elegantly illustrates and challenges the discrimination your chosen community has faced.
Examples of educational resources include power point presentations, games, workshop plans, poster sets, web pages, plus audio or video productions. The educational resource should be presented in a style that is appropriate and accessible to an imaginary audience, located within a UK school or community setting that would largely consist of 13-18 year olds. The marker will be looking to assess to what extent the resource is capable of educating and raising awareness amongst this age group
You must attribute your sources (including images) by submitting a reference list as an appendix. It is probably better not to include references within the resource or provide so much detail that the resource becomes difficult to digest. Consider at all times the educational resource’s suitability to the target audience, including the younger age group. You may want to ensure therefore there is some interactivity and consider how accessible and age appropriate it is.
The educational resource is described as being the equivalent of 1,000 words yet given the multi-media options, the actual submitted word count is likely to be considerably less. If the main part of the submission is an audio or video file, this should be no longer than 10 minutes in length. Powerpoints / slideshows should keep text to a minimum and not exceed a total of 15 slides and remember ‘less can be more’ in terms of making an impact. All students may want to consider submitting ‘teacher notes’ to aid the marker’s understanding of how the resource is intended to be used.
- Refer to contemporary examples of prejudice and discrimination
- Apply theory to real life situations and make connections
- Cite from credible sources
- Begin to demonstrate some critical thinking
In other words:
- Make sure your examples concentrate mainly on incidents from the recent past.
- Make connections between your different examples and apply academic explanations and definitions.
- Make references to text books and articles from the reading list. Prioritise these academic sources more than citing newspapers, news channels, song lyrics, television stations and internet sources and provide the author’s name and the date of publication.
- Make it obvious that there is always ‘more than one side to any story’ by using language such as: On the one hand, Godfrey (2017) argues….., whereas on the other hand, Baugh (2017) suggests …. Try also to demonstrate your own independent thinking by paraphrasing rather than using too many direct quotes. Try and develop your own position rather than just mirror other people’s analysis.
Writing at Higher Education level is not a cut and paste exercise, but rather a demonstration of understanding and insight.
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