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Treforest Transport has a number of offices across Great Britain and Europe, selling a wide range of passenger cars.

Individual Assignment 1 – Statistics Tasks and Report

Company Analysis: Treforest Transport

The assignment is based on the EXCEL data file, BS2SX2_Report_Data.xlsx. You are required to use the appropriate module concepts and techniques to complete the given task and analyse the data provided on Blackboard.



Deadline (23:59)

Word limit

Marking criteria

Late submission*




Case analysis (50%)

Theoretical understanding (40%)

Presentation & Supporting evidence (10%)


Marking criteria for task

Case Analysis

- Key issues should be clearly identified and articulated


No or little evidence of understanding. Mainly descriptive


Some evidence of understanding. Some key issues are mentioned but not fully discussed


An interesting, appropriate and critical case analysis

Theoretical understanding

- Concepts and techniques applied appropriately in order to get the right answers


No or incorrect answers


Some incorrect answers but shows a sign of basic understanding


Correct answers with clear explanation of the data

Presentation & Supporting evidence

- Report writing style, structure, spelling, grammar, references


Mere listing of numbers, graphs, tables without a proper format


Presented in a reasonable and clear style


Good style and structured. Well referenced.

All submission should be in a business report form, include your own analysis and identify key patterns which you think are important for the business decision making.

If your work goes over 10% of the word limit, the excess parts would not be included in the marking process. Your completed work could have less than 90% of the word limit (-10% limit). However, if the work does not include right answers and/or sufficient explanation, again it would affect your final mark. 

You are to submit the assignment via TurnItIn, on the Blackboard site. *If you are up to 5 working days later than this you can gain a maximum mark of 40%.  Later will be zero, unless you have submitted for and been granted extenuating circumstances (if you plan to apply for EC, please let me know as soon as possible).

NB General neatness and good presentation as well as arithmetic correctness, will be a factor in the marking of your submissions.  Please include any relevant calculations where used, as well as appropriate supporting information.  Do not submit any material that is not strictly relevant to the tasks and assignment. The report should be well organised and logically constructed to satisfy the requirements of cogency and synthesis while being mindful of the needs of the reader.


Assignment TASK

Treforest Transport has a number of offices across Great Britain and Europe, selling a wide range of passenger cars. The management have consulted you to write an individual report summarising the company’s performance and recommending changes using evidence-based decision-making methods. Your report should address the following 4 issues and also present any further analysis you wish to present - focusing on your chosen degree pathway (Business, Human resource, Logistics, procurement and supply chain).

1.     The company is thinking of expanding its business to Northern Ireland, but first they would like examine their current customer base and sales figure. Analyse their monthly sales and customer data, and report the results to provide the following information;

·         Customers and their preferred car types

·         Their travelling patterns based on average traveling distance and preferred car types

2.      The company would like to see if their annual sales figure (Car Sales per year) has any relationship with the regional data – the number of licenced cars registered in the region (Licensed cars), the number of people living in the region (Population), and Gross Value Added (the value of goods and services produced in the area – GVA in £million). Using the information available, the company would like to guess what might be their car sales if they open an office in Belfast. Belfast data is below.

Please open the worksheet, GB Market, and examine the relationship between Car Sales and other three variables. Using the variable that has a strongest correlation with Car Sales, predict the future sales figure in Belfast.



Licensed cars (000s)

Population (million)

GVA (£ million)






3.      Recently market research was undertaken in Belfast, their data analysis and key findings are summarised below.

·         Majority of Hatchbacks customers are between 30 and 49 years old.

·         Women preferred buying City Cars compared to Men

·         Among people who earn more than £50k, the most preferred car type is Saloon.

·         People who own Sports or SUVs tend to be single.


Please analyse your office data from the worksheet, Cardiff Sales, and compare your findings with the ones for Belfast.

4.       The following table shows the price range of the cars in the company. Using the average price of each car type and data from the Cardiff Sales worksheet, first find your monthly sales revenue.


Car type

Sales price range in £

1.       City Car

10,000 – 16,000

2.       Hatchback

16,000 – 22,000

3.       Saloon

30,000 – 36,000

4.       Estates

28,000 – 34,000

5.       SUVs

25,000 – 31,000

6.       Sports

45,000 – 51,000

The findings from the HQ based on all regional offices show that average monthly sales revenue is £5.1 million with £1.8 million standard deviation. Using this information and your monthly sales revenue you calculated above, how well do you think your branch (Cardiff office) is doing compared to other regional offices?

Based on the findings, the HQ asked you to increase the number of car sales. You are planning to organise a sales event, targeting 50 new potential customers. If you want to sell at least 10 more cars (10 or more), which car type should you aim to promote the most (= higher chance of selling the type of car)?

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