Using examples from own practice and/or information from the case study provided, you are expected to discuss and evaluate the complex challenges and opportunities of inter-agency working
Inter-Agency Working
Title Page:
In the Arden Assessment cover page, under the Assessment Title, students should indicate that this is a case study.
NOTE: This must be written in the third person and should display good to excellent ability to write academically. Unless specified (for example, in reflecting on your practice etc), pronouns should be generally avoided in academic writing i.e., avoid the use of “I, Me, We, Us”. Also pay attention to general keywords useful in demonstrating at this level of study – for instance; evaluation, analysis, critical discussion, application and synthesis.
- This should explain what the assignment is about and mention the main concepts discussed within the body of the assignment. This part should use up not more than 5% of the total word count. The introduction could include definitions of keywords/concepts relevant to the assignment as well as citations/references.
Main Body:
Question 1:
Using examples from own practice and/or information from the case study provided, you are expected to discuss and evaluate the complex challenges and opportunities of inter-agency working - with emphasis on the broad and specific cultural needs Reshma and Ahmed have as service users. For this question, the following checklist should be considered to ensure some key areas are not left out:
- Identify some of the complex challenges (e.g. socioeconomic status) as well as opportunities involved in inter-agency working.
- Evaluate both identified challenges and opportunities when supporting service users collaboratively with other agencies.
- Challenges to consider here may include: the personal values and culture of service users, funding pressures, inefficient communication, differing levels of ‘buy-in’ from agencies involved- that is; some agencies reluctant to engage, professional and agency boundaries etc.
- Benefits to consider may include improved outcomes for service users, strengthening partnership voice and breaking down professional boundaries, with pooled budgets – enhancing the scale of coverage and sustainability of services etc.
- This list above is not exhaustive.
- Make sure the evaluation includes the use of examples (where possible) and links to the case study. For instance, why do you think Reshma and Ahmed would face barriers while accessing healthcare? and how would effective inter-agency working address these?
- The suggested word count for this part is 1,500; a total of 40 marks on offer.
Question 2: You are expected to analyse the impact effective leadership will have on the support provided for Ahmed and Reshma. For this question, the following checklist should be considered to ensure key areas are not left out:
- Principles of care ethics (such as autonomy, non-Maleficence, Beneficence and Justice) relevant to Ahmed and Reshma’s support.
- Leadership type and approach and impact on multi-disciplinary team working.
- A discussion of policy issues highlighted/hinted in the case study and how this will impact Ahmed and Reshma’s support.
- You could conclude your response to the question by recommending a style/approach to leadership, such as for example, democratic, transactional, transformational etc to assist the relevant agencies dealing with the case. A justification of your choice is required.
- The suggested word count for this part is 1,500; a total of 40 marks on offer.
Question 3: Here you are expected to evaluate the characteristics of multi-disciplinary teamwork in healthcare. Links should be made to your own practice and/or the case study provided. For this question, the following checklist should be considered to ensure key areas are not left out:
- Research and discuss the characteristics of effective Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs).
- Explain how an effective MDT, in this case, will work together to meet Ahmed and Reshma’s family’s support needs.
- Here, it is important to determine how Reshma and Ahmed’s family’s needs from the stakeholders involved; including, their children’s school; primary healthcare, citizen’s advice, voluntary community support groups; neighbourhood policing and charitable organisations will be met.
- The suggested word count for this part is 1,000; a total of 20 marks on offer.
[Note: You must draw upon relevant theory, concepts, models and appropriate organisational examples. Also, note that your work must be presented with research evidence as well as practical examples to showcase the breadth and depth of your understanding].
A conclusion to wrap up the whole assignment should be given. The conclusion should summarise very briefly the main considerations and recommendations.
Students should adhere to the AU Harvard style of referencing. All references cited must be listed and all references listed must be cited. All quotes must have page numbers cited. Avoid the use of too many quotes.
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