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What is the significance of the setting (one or more particular aspects of it or objects in it not discussed at length in class) in The Importance of Being Earnest?

The length of the essay is 1500 words (approximately five to six typed double-spaced pages). Please include a Word Count and Underline your Thesis. Your paper should include a title, and follow MLA format. Also, please include the peer reviewed draft of your essay, and your Instructor Comments sheet from Essay 1 along with your paper copy.

Essay Submission

Essays must be submitted a) electronically at turnitin (the link is on moodle) and b) as a hard copy to me personally at the start of class. Both the electronic copy and the hard copy—which must be identical—are due by the start of class, and both must be submitted for the paper to be on time, and both must be submitted (even if it is late) before the essay can be graded.

Please write on one of the follow topics, using specific examples and evidence from the text, and One Secondary Source: a scholarly article or the Introduction to the novel by Samuel Gladden. You may use both if you wish. The goal of this assignment is to show your critical analysis of, and engagement with, The Importance of Being Earnest, putting to use the terms and concepts already discussed in class (but not simply repeating the ideas already discussed in class). You will be evaluated on your understanding and insight into the play; your grasp, accuracy of representation, and integration of the critic’s comments into your own argument; and the form, structure, and clarity of your paper. A good paper is thoughtful, interesting, clear, and enjoyable to read (engaging and error free).

  1. What is the significance of the setting (one or more particular aspects of it or objects in it not discussed at length in class) in The Importance of Being Earnest? Consider what it  reveals about the themes of the play and/or about the characters. What aspects of the setting are most important and how do they affect the experience of reading the play? Develop a specific thesis that is suited to the length of this assignment.
  1. Think about the importance of parallels and repetitions in the play. Write about one or more of the parallels or repetitions that occur with characters, ideas, or images. What do patterns and repetitions tell us? What are the effects? Are the repetitions exact, and if not, in what specific ways do they differ? Develop a specific thesis that is suited to the length of this assignment. 
  1. Choose one or more of the works of fiction (a three volume novel, a diary, etc.) within the play and discuss their importance. What is revealed about characters who read or write these fictions? How do they affect our reading of the play? How are they humorous and serious? Consider how writing and reading within the play relate to the larger themes of the play. Develop a specific thesis that is suited to the length of this assignment.

Required Articles – You must quote directly at least once from at least one of these articles, or use the introduction to the novel:

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