You must write your own ‘Country Health Profile’ in a style similar to that of the ‘New Internationalist’ magazines monthly country profile. Your focus and analysis should be on the broad social factors that impact upon the wide range
The underlying approach to this module is through continuous assessment and so students will be assessed via the following three ways:
1) Case Study (summative assessment and graded) 40%
2) Essay (summative assessment and graded) 60%
3) Weekly online tasks (to add to your health case study and essay)
Assessment 1:
Case study (2,000 words as a guideline) assessing learning outcomes 2, 5 and 6. This is worth 40% of the overall mark for the module.
You must write your own ‘Country Health Profile’ in a style similar to that of the ‘New Internationalist’ magazines monthly country profile. Your focus and analysis should be on the broad social factors that impact upon the wide range of health concerns and problems of the people/populations in that nation state. You should pick one country from one region/continent from the list below as your focus:
Africa: Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Somalia, Nigeria, Middle East: Yemen, Egypt, Syria,
South America: Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela Asia and
South Asia: China, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Uzbekistan
This should be presented in an easy to understand manner (Poster presentation) and you should aim to use infographics software as it is a useful skill to learn for employability purposes: or However, guidance will be given on what to put in this case study within teaching sessions.
You must complete the country case study which is A1 size using a template (or you can also make your own if you want to personalise it more and have more creativity) which can be found on:
New Internationalist editions (from 1973 to the present day) can be found on Discover as a reference guide but some of the information you will need to show will be in more detail so await instructions. Your online tasks for this module will help you to build core information for this assessment. As you are at level six of your degree, you must show wider reading than just the lecture and seminar information and that of the online tasks. Your case study must be submitted on Canvas under ‘Assignment One’ (for comments and your grade)
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