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You are required to choose a destination in Europe you have travel for a trip or intend to travel to


Solent University

Coursework Assessment Brief

Assessment Details

Unit Title:

Global Travel and Tourism with field Trip

Unit Code:


Unit Leader:




Assessment Title:

Tourism Destinations

Assessment Number:


Assessment Type:

Reflective Journal

Restrictions on Time/Word Count:

1000 words +/- 10%

Consequence of not meeting time/word count limit:

There is no penalty for submitting below the time limit, but students should be aware that there is a risk they may not maximise their potential mark.

Assignments should be presented appropriately in line with the restrictions stated above; if an assignment exceeds the time limit this will be taken in account in the marks given using the assessment criteria shown.



Assessment Weighting:


Issue Date:

Week 1

Hand In Date:


Planned Feedback Date:

4 weeks after submission date

Mode of Submission:


Number of copies to be submitted:

1 document to be submitted online

Anonymous Marking

This assessment:

Is anonymous marking.

QHO439 – Global Travel and Tourism with Field Trip


You are required to choose a destination in Europe you have travel for a trip or intend to travel to.  There are two parts to this assessment:

Part A

Using the template provided discuss and explain the reason why you choose that particular destination.  Use examples to explain your reason. (300 words)

Part B:

From the destination you choose in part A, using the Travel and Tourism Competitive Index with the international tourist arrivals, you are required to evaluate and reflect on the factors and policies that makes your chosen destination a viable place to invest within the Travel and Tourism sector. (700 words)

Academic Underpinning

This is an academic piece of work where students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the subject through their own research.

A minimum of 10 academic references is expected to be included in your work.

You can also include websites but these must be an addition and not a substitute for the academic books and journals.

Please make sure that they are all referenced correctly (Harvard Style, according to Southampton University) otherwise you will lose marks for incorrect referencing.

Assessment Criteria

HIGH FIRST BAND A1-2 The work produced is EXCELLENT in most/all aspects, substantially exceeding expectations for this level.

Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

Exceptional breadth and for work at this level;

Explores and evaluates information/ideas from a wide range of sources (may include primary sources);

Excellent understanding of concepts/theories (some of them abstract) and/or current practice, and several of their applications and implications.


Selects and applies appropriate methods to address/solve complex and often unfamiliar and unpredictable problems;  

Exceptional judgement in selection, analysis and evaluation of information and application of learning to different contexts;

Excellent investigative skills generate well-founded and evidenced conclusions/practical solutions.


Competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work-related skills, exceeds expectations for this level.

Excellent presentation and organisation of work and lucid communication in all contexts;

Exemplary referencing/citation;

Work demonstrates independence and initiative beyond level expectations, setting objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes;

Evidences developed team-working and indications of leadership ability;

Critical reflection / self‐evaluation exceptional for this level.

FIRST BAND A3-4 The work produced is EXCELLENT, exceeding expectations for this level in many aspects.

Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills

Accurate and coherent in breadth, with depth in many areas;

Explores and deploys information from a wide range of mostly secondary sources ;

Thorough understanding of concepts and theories (some of them abstract) and/or current practice, and some of their implications and applications.


Applies appropriate methods to address/solve complex issues/problems, some unfamiliar/unpredictable;

Exercises judgement in selection, analysis and evaluation of information and application of learning to a different context;

Thorough investigation generates well‐founded conclusions/practical solutions.

Competence in all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, exceeds expectations for this level in some aspects.

Excellent presentation and organisation of work and lucid communication in most contexts;

Extensive, accurate referencing/citation;

Work demonstrates independence and some initiative in setting objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes;

Evidences developed team‐working skills;

Reflection and self‐evaluation often critical and insightful.

UPPER SECOND BAND B The work produced is VERY GOOD. It meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectations for this level in several of them.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills


Accurate in breadth, with depth in several areas;   

Locates and organises a wide range of information/evidence;  

Clear understanding of concepts and theories (some of them abstract) and/or practice and some of their implications and applications.


Uses appropriate given methods to address complex issues/problems, some unfamiliar/unpredictable;

Exercises judgement in selection and analysis of information, with some evaluation, and application of learning in a different context;  

Investigation generates well‐founded conclusions/practical solutions.


Competently uses all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, with indications of more developed ability in some areas.


Presentation and organisation of work appropriate to context and purpose, communication clear;                              

Referencing consistent and accurate;                  

Work demonstrates independence in setting some objectives beyond those given and taking responsibility for outcomes;                       

Evidences a high level of team‐working skills; 

Reflection generates a number of critical insights.


LOWER SECOND BAND C The work produced is GOOD. It meets all of the intended learning outcomes and exceeds the threshold expectations for this level in some of them.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills


Accurate, with depth in some aspects;

Locates and organises a satisfactory range of information/evidence, some of it beyond the given/familiar;

Satisfactory understanding of the relevant concepts, theories and/or practice;

Shows some ability to deal with unfamiliar and abstract ideas.

Uses given methods to analyse issues/problems, some unfamiliar/unpredicatable and complex;

Satisfactory selection and analysis of information, with little evaluation;

Applies some aspect of learning in a different context;


Competently uses all of the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills, with more developed capability in at least one area.


Satisfactory organisation and presentation of work, communications mostly appropriate to the context/purpose;

Referencing mostly consistent/accurate;

Work demonstrates satisfactory independence in addressing objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes;

Evidences satisfactory team‐working skills;

Satisfactory reflection with some insights.






THIRD BAND D The work produced is SATISFACTORY. It meets all of the intended learning outcomes at, but rarely exceeding the threshold expectations for this level.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills


Largely accurate across most areas, with limited depth;

Locates and organises an acceptable range of information/evidence mostly from given/familiar secondary sources;

Adequate understanding of the main concepts, theories and/or practice;

Engagement with abstract/unfamiliar ideas or implications and applications is slight.


Analysis using given methods is adequate;

Limited ability to apply learning to complex, unfamiliar or unpredictable contexts/issues;

Tendency to description and reliance on familiar/given material or approaches.


Use of all the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills is adequate.


Organisation and presentation of work and communications adequate in most contexts, with some mistakes/irrelevancies;

Some errors in referencing;

Work demonstrates adequate independence in addressing given objectives and taking some responsibility for outcomes;

Tendency to rely on support/direction from others; Limited teamworking skills;

Limited reflection with few insights.


MARGINAL FAIL BAND F1-2 The work does NOT MEET THE REQUIRED STANDARD. It fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is marginally inadequate for this level.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills


Inaccuracies/omissions in some areas, depth limited;

Range of information limited to the familiar/given with some errors in organisation;

Occasional errors in understanding of main concepts, theories and/or practice; Struggles to engage with unfamiliar/abstract ideas and complexities.


Superficial analysis;

Some failure to apply learning to complex, unfamiliar or unpredictable issues/contexts;

Overly descriptive and reliant on familiar/given material or approaches.


Use of some of the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills is marginally inadequate.


Elements of disorganisation/ poor presentation/ poor or inappropriate communication or expression;

Errors/omissions in referencing, or none;

Work demonstrates insufficient independence in attempting to address given objectives and taking responsibility for outcomes;

Relies on support/direction from others;  Underdeveloped teamworking skills;

Minimal reflection lacks insight.



MID AND LOW FAIL BAND F3 The work produced does NOT MEET THE REQUIRED STANDARD. It fails to meet all of the intended learning outcomes and is inadequate for this level.


Knowledge & Understanding

Cognitive Skills

Practical & Professional Skills

Transferable & Key Skills


Substantial inaccuracies/omissions/irrelevancies;

Range of information inadequate and disorganised;

Substantial errors in understanding of concepts, theories and/or practice, or none;

Fails to engage with/address unfamiliar/abstract ideas and complexities.

Analysis absent or with significant errors/omissions

Fails to apply learning;

Descriptive and heavily reliant on very restricted range of given/familiar material and approaches, poorly understood.

Inadequate use many/all of the required specialised practical, technical, creative, scholarly or work‐related skills.


Work is disorganised, poorly presented with poor/inappropriate communication and expression;

Substantial errors in referencing, or none;

Work fails to address objectives and take responsibility for outcomes;

Fails to engage in/ shows deficiencies in team‐working;

Reflection inadequate/absent with no insight.


SUBMITTED BAND S The work is submitted, but shows no attempt to address any of the criteria




Learning Outcomes

This assessment will enable students to demonstrate in full or in part the learning outcomes identified in the unit descriptors.

Late Submissions

Students are reminded that:

  1. If this assessment is submitted late i.e. within 5 working days of the submission deadline, the mark will be capped at 40% if a pass mark is achieved;
  2. If this assessment is submitted later than 5 working days after the submission deadline, the work will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero;
  3. If this assessment is being submitted as a referred piece of work then it must be submitted by the deadline date; any Refer assessment submitted late will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero.

Extenuating Circumstances

The University’s Extenuating Circumstances procedure is in place if there are genuine circumstances that may prevent a student submitting an assessment. If students are not `fit to study’, they can either request an extension to the submission deadline of 5 working days or they can request to submit the assessment at the next opportunity (Defer).  In both instances students must submit an EC application with relevant evidence.   If accepted by the EC Panel there will be no academic penalty for late submission or non-submission dependent on what is requested.  Students are reminded that EC covers only short term issues (20 working days) and that if they experience longer term matters that impact on learning then they must contact the Student Hub for advice.

A summary of guidance notes for students is given below:

Academic Misconduct

Any submission must be students’ own work and, where facts or ideas have been used from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University’s Academic Handbook includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to constitute academic misconduct.  Students should check this link before submitting their work.

Procedures relating to student academic misconduct are given below:

Ethics Policy

The work being carried out by students must be in compliance with the Ethics Policy. Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then students will need an ethics release or an ethical approval prior to the start of the project.

The Ethics Policy is contained within Section 2S of the Academic Handbook:

Grade marking

The University uses a letter grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless students have been specifically informed otherwise their marked assignment will be awarded a letter grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be found on the portal and in the Student Handbook.

Guidance for online submission through Solent Online Learning (SOL)

Group size will be: 

3-4 people max

Working in:

Self-selected groups

Students not initially in a group should inform the unit leader by 1st   February 2019

The unit leader will be responsible for reallocating any group members or allocating anyone not in a group which will be completed by 4th February2019

As part of the process of working as a group it is necessary to: 

1     Agree a group work contract at the start of the process and send a copy to the Tutor & Unit Leader. 

2     Identify and agree individual and team responsibilities.

3     Meet with the Unit Tutor twice during the process of completing the work. 

Each student must adhere to the following: 

1     Each student must attend all lectures and seminars as they will contain important information needed for the presentation. 

2     Adhere to the group contract which will detail individual and group responsibilities. 

3     Meet with the Unit Tutor to receive formative feedback in the timescale set by Tutor.

If the group is not functioning effectively students should: 

Include specific actions expected eg 

1     Email the Unit Tutor as soon as problems arise. 

2     Arrange a meeting with the whole group to discuss the issue. 

3     Identify actions to be undertaken by each member of the group. 

4     Communicate those actions to the Unit Tutor.

5     Inform the Unit Leader if problems are not resolved. 

At the end of the assessment each member of the group will be: 

Given a formative group grade, and final peer assessed individual grade.

If individual grades are allocated the evidence used to make these judgements will be: 

Compelling evidence at presentation and submitted written work that contribution is significantly above/below the other group member and/or; 

Prior notification and evidence of non-engagement and contribution from specified group member. 

Nature of peer assessment undertaken: 

Observation followed by anonymous feedback.  All students will undertake this role.

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