You are required to produce an individual dissertation based on your own research. This must be a fully referenced, researched and academically valid and reliable (Specialist Project) dissertation (8,000 words).
The dissertation must develop the ideas from your proposal based on your further research, supervisor feedback and discussions. You cannot resubmit previously submitted work.
Detailed guidance on each section will be given week by week in class. The work must be your own and you must use the general structure to each section detailed within the Masterclass teaching.
Layout of the final Report (the dissertation)
The word count of the final report should be 8,000 words (+/- 10%). The layout of most projects should follow a standard structure:
University header page (BREO template provided)
- Your name
- The date
- The name of the course
- The name of the department and University
- Any statements of confidentiality (page ii).
Abstract (max 250 words) Not included in word count
- The stated aims and objectives
- What it looked at (the business problems)
- How it looked at it (research methods, concepts, models)
- What was found
- The limitations of the research
- What conclusions can be drawn, and recommendations made.
List of Contents
List of Figures and/or Tables (if applicable)
Introduction (Max 1,000 words)
- The detailed aims and objectives
- Identification of the business problem
- What the report intends to achieve
- The conceptual/theoretical framework to be used
- Any definition of terms (if no Glossary)
- The general methodology to be used in the investigation
- Background history, if necessary
Literature Review (Max 2,000 words)
Methodology (Max 1,800 words)
Findings/Analysis/Discussion (Max 2,000 words)
Conclusions (Max 500 words)
Reflection (Max 700 words) Please note this should be reflective not descriptive
Your reflection must be based on the process of your report development; what you have learned, your ability to relate theory to practice. How your skills have developed, your ability to relate the dissertation learning to your future career path.
References (and Bibliography if appropriate)