BUSM058 Understanding Consumer Behaviour
BUSM058 Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Question 1: Analysing a commercial
The purpose of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to apply the consumer behaviour principles and theories discussed in the first half of the module (weeks 1-6) and the corresponding chapters in the textbook (Chapters 2-6) to evaluate an actual marketing commercial. Students will choose one of the four possible commercials and analyse the different consumer behaviour aspects that contribute to the commercial’s (lack of) success.
Please choose one of the four commercials and analyse the use of the theories and principles of the “Psychologic Core” of consumer behaviour (e.g., Motivation, ability, & opportunity; Exposure, attention, & perception;
Please note that you do not have to include all aspects of the psychologic core principles. It is better to choose one or two of these principles and describe & apply them in detail rather than listing all psychologic core principles and only covering them superficially. In your analysis, you could consider things like:
How are consumers’ motivation, ability, and opportunity addressed? How are consumers exposed to the product/service/brand? How does the commercial try to capture consumers’ attention? How is consumers’ perception influenced? How do consumers understand the message of the commercial? How are consumers’ attitudes shaped or changed? How are emotions being manipulated? What is the goal behind that?
Question 2: Analysing a marketing campaign
The purpose of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to apply the consumer psychology/behaviour principles and theories discussed in class and your readings during the second half of the semester, to evaluating a real-world marketing campaign. You will pick a marketing campaign of your choice, and analyse the different consumer psychology principles that you believe contribute to the campaign’s (lack of) success
You should base your essay on material covered during weeks 8 (Consumer Psychology of Brands), 9 (Behavioural Decision-Theory), and 10 (Principles of Persuasion). It is unlikely that you would have time to incorporate information from the week 11 session (Psychology of Altruism), because the due date is shortly after that final session. Please incorporate ideas/concepts from at least 2 of the class sessions into your answer. 2 to 3 key concepts should suffice, although the quality and depth of your analysis is more important than the total number of concepts used.
The term “marketing campaign” refers to communication efforts by a company/brand toward the consumer, and can also incorporate “two-way” communication between a company and the consumer. I.e., you should focus on the ways in which a company communicates with consumers in order to convince them to purchase their product. There is no set timeframe for what constitutes a marketing campaign; it may involve efforts over several weeks or over several years. The important thing is that a campaign is a consistent marketing effort to achieve a certain effect. It should not (for example), involve a radical change in direction in brand positioning, brand personality, or other marketing aspects over the course of the campaign.
Please do not include non-consumer-relevant aspects of a campaign in your essay, such as internal company policies, operations and distributions strategies, financial strategies, etc. Your answer should focus solely on consumer-relevant principles and theories, as discussed in class. Also, when evaluating whether you believe the campaign was successful, please use your own judgement about whether the campaign was effective based on your analysis of the theories discussed in the course. Do not use sales data, financial performance, etc., to argue for why it was a success or failure. While using the principles effectively and achieving financial success often go hand-in-hand, it’s also possible that you could think that the campaign used the consumer psychology principles well even if it did not achieve great financial success. However, you may briefly mention whether you think the campaign was successful based on marketplace outcomes. Whether you do this is up to you.
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