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Consider the facilities management business strategy for your present organisation (or one you are familiar with). Identify and explain the main drivers for this strategy together with its objectives and how these will be measured.



Credit Value:  3

Maximum word count for this unit: 3,000 words

The following assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of this unit. 

All tasks must be completed

It is an important aspect of the assessment that you are able to demonstrate the application of acquired knowledge to appropriate examples of facilities management.  You should therefore read the individual tasks carefully in conjunction with the relevant assessment criteria in the unit specification.  You should also pay careful attention to the additional guidance (shown in red italics) in the unit specification as this indicates the appropriate level of knowledge required to successfully demonstrate the assessment criteria.

Each task shows the Learning Outcomes(s) and Assessment Criteria in the unit specification that the task has been designed to assess.  You should answer each task as it has been set.  Compare your answer for each task against the assessment criteria shown to ensure that they have been fully addressed by your answer(s).

Individual tasks must be completed within the word count shown.

(NB. The word count limits shown for individual tasks are provided to ensure that they receive appropriate weighting in your assessment.  Please note however that word counts are a limit and not a target). FM4.02 UNDERSTANDING FACILITIES MANAGEMENT STRATEGY

Task 1 – Developing and monitoring FM strategy

This task addresses the whole of Learning Outcomes 01 and 03.  Your answers must address the Assessment Criteria shown in the following table:  


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria


01, 03

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2

Task 1 comprises two questions
:  You may address questions separately or combine them into a single answer for this task.  Your answer in either case must fully address the assessment criteria in the table shown above.

Word count limit:  2,100      

  1. Consider the facilities management business strategy for your present organisation (or one you are familiar with).  Identify and explain the main drivers for this strategy together with its objectives and how these will be measured. Explain how this FM strategy is related to the organisation’s mission statement and business strategy. 
  2. Explain how this FM business strategy influences the FM function and its various operations.  Describe how performance measurement of the various FM operations can be used to monitor the success of this facilities business strategy.  Provide actual (or hypothetical) examples of how monitoring this FM business strategy has informed (or could inform) changes to it. 

Task 2 – Risk profile

This task addresses the whole of Learning Outcome 02.  Your answers must address the Assessment Criteria shown in the following table:  


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria



2.1, 2.2

Task 2 comprises 2 questions
:  You may address questions separately or combine them into a single answer for this task.  Your answer in either case must fully address the assessment criteria in the table shown above.

Word count limit:  900 

  1. Describe different types of risk that comprise the risk profile for your present organisation (or one you are familiar with).  Compare and contrast this with risk profiles that could be found in other organisations and/or sectors.  
  2. Explain how these risks influence the facilities management strategy referenced in Task 1.

Word count summary


Word limit

Task 1


Task 2


Maximum word count for unit




  1. Remember to always reference each page of your assessment with the Cohort Reference Number and your IWFM Membership Number.
  2. Complete your assessment by addressing each task and assessment criteria by typing directly into the text boxes
  3. Any text which has been copied MUST be accurately referenced to the original source (e.g. Harvard Referencing).  Any text which is copied and not referenced is deemed as plagiarism which may result in your work being voided (please refer to the IWFM Malpractice Policy & Procedure).  You will be asked to sign a statement to the effect that your assessment is your own work before submission to IWFM for marking.
  4. When presenting your assessment please use font size 12.
  5. Please ensure every page is correctly numbered                                                                                 

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