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Explain the “duty of care” imposed on employers, employees and suppliers by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW Act). Identify the key sets of legislation known collectively as the “Six Pack” and explain their

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Credit Value:  6

Maximum word count for this unit:            5,700 words (excluding Task 3a)

 The following assessment tasks have been designed to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of this unit. 

All tasks must be completed

It is an important aspect of the assessment that you are able to demonstrate the application of acquired knowledge to appropriate examples of facilities management.  You should therefore read the individual tasks carefully in conjunction with the relevant assessment criteria in the unit specification.  You should also pay careful attention to the additional guidance (shown in red italics) in the unit specification as this indicates the appropriate level of knowledge required to successfully demonstrate the assessment criteria.

Each task shows the Learning Outcomes(s) and Assessment Criteria in the unit specification that the task has been designed to assess.  You should answer each task as it has been set.  Compare your answer for each task against the assessment criteria shown to ensure that they have been fully addressed by your answer(s).

Individual tasks must be completed within the word count shown.

(NB. The word count limits shown for individual tasks are provided to ensure that they receive appropriate weighting in your assessment.  Please note however that word counts are a limit and not a target).

Task 1 – Legal requirements for health and safety

This task addresses part of Learning Outcome 01.  Your answers must address the Assessment Criteria shown in the following table:  


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria



1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Task 1 comprises five questions:  You may address questions separately or combine them into a single answer for this task.  Your answer in either case must fully address the assessment criteria in the table shown above.

Word count limit:  1,300                  

  1. Explain the “duty of care” imposed on employers, employees and suppliers by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW Act). Identify the key sets of legislation known collectively as the “Six Pack” and explain their relationship with the HSW Act.  
  2. Describe how the minimum legal requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 are demonstrated in your own area of responsibility.  Explain at least three reasons why effective health and safety management in the workplace is important.
  3. Identify three separate pieces of health and safety legislation, regulation or code of practice and explain their relevance to your own area of responsibility.
  4. Explain three actions or sanctions available to a Health & Safety inspector (from either the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) or local authority) when visiting an organisation’s premises to enforce legislation and the circumstances in which they might use them.  Explain the liability of company directors and managers under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007.
  5. Identify the roles required by your organisation’s health and safety policy.  Describe the responsibilities associated with these roles. 


Task 2 – Personal responsibilities for health and safety

This task addresses whole of Learning Outcome 02 and part of of Learning Outcome 03.  Your answers must address the Assessment Criteria shown in the following table:  


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria



2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5



3.1, 3.2

Task 2 comprises one questionsA single answer is required for this task.  It must fully address the assessment criteria in the table shown above.

Word count limit:  2,200      

  1. Explain how you address (or could address) the following issues in your own area of responsibility:
  2. Your personal responsibility and liability for duty of care.
  3. Communicating the organisation’s written health and safety policy statement to people who work in own area of responsibility and other relevant parties.
  4. The resources and methods necessary to provide health and safety information, induction and training for a team.
  5. Consulting with other people on health and safety issues.
  6. Using health and safety to inform planning and decision-making.
  7. Developing a culture which puts health and safety first.

Task 3 – Risk assessment

This task addresses the whole of Learning Outcome 04 and the remainder of Learning Outcome 03.  Your answers must address the Assessment Criteria shown in the following table:  


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria



4.1, 4.2, 4.3




Task 3 comprises four questionsYou may address questions separately or combine them into a single answer for this task.  Your answer in either case must fully address the assessment criteria in the table shown above.

Word count limit:  1,000 (excludes Task 3a – nil limit/guideline for the risk assessment)                 

  1. Complete a risk assessment of a workplace activity or business process within your own area of responsibility. 
  2. Demonstrate how you have applied the HSE’s five-step plan to the risk assessment in Task 3a.
  3. Explain the measures that you have (or could) introduce to eliminate or control the risks arising from your assessment so that the activity or process complies with legal requirements and/or sector standards
  4. Explain how you will communicate (or have communicated) the results of your risk assessment to the people that need to be aware of and/or take action to implement the control measures.

Task 4 – Monitoring and reviewing health and safety performance

This task addresses the whole of Learning Outcome 05.  Your answers must address the Assessment Criteria shown in the following table:  


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria



5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Task 4 comprises three questionsYou may address questions separately or combine them into a single answer for this task.  Your answer in either case must fully address the assessment criteria in the table shown above.

Word count limit:  900                     

  1. Explain your organisation’s procedure for reviewing its health and safety policy.
  2. Explain systems established in your own area of responsibility for monitoring, measuring and reporting on health and safety performance.
  3. Explain how you keep up to date with health and safety risks, issues and developments within your own industry sector.  What additional measures or actions could you take for this purpose

Task 5 – Compliance report

This task addresses the remainder of Learning Outcome 01.  Your answers must address the Assessment Criteria shown in the following table:  


Learning Outcome

Assessment Criteria




Task 5 comprises one questionA single answer is required for this task.  It must fully address the assessment criteria in the table shown above.

Word count limit:  300                     

  1. Identify the issues you would include in a report to demonstrate compliance with minimum health and safety requirements in your own area of responsibility.  Your report might include induction and training, communication and information processes, risk identification and control, your own actions to promote a health and safety culture.

(Note:  You do not need to repeat or reproduce at length information provided elsewhere in this unit assessment.  What is required is a concise outline of the issues that will demonstrate the practical application of these requirements to your own area of responsibility).

Word count summary


Word limit

Task 1


Task 2


Task 3 (excluding Task 3a)


Task 4


Task 5


Maximum word count for unit (excluding Task 3a)


Note:  No word count limit has been set for Task 3a.  


  1. Remember to always reference each page of your assessment with the Cohort Reference Number and your IWFM Membership Number.
  2. Complete your assessment by addressing each task and assessment criteria by typing directly into the text boxes
  3. Any text which has been copied MUST be accurately referenced to the original source (e.g. Harvard Referencing).  Any text which is copied and not referenced is deemed as plagiarism which may result in your work being voided (please refer to the IWFM Malpractice Policy & Procedure).  You will be asked to sign a statement to the effect that your assessment is your own work before submission to IWFM for marking.
  4. When presenting your assessment please use font size 12.
  5. Please ensure every page is correctly numbered                                                                                 


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