Demonstrate a critical understanding that practising effectively as a professionally qualified social worker requires not only critical reflection and maintaining high standards of conduct, but also the need to ensure that relevant knowledge
write a critical case study that meets the module learning outcomes 1-5:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding that practising effectively as a professionally qualified social worker requires not only critical reflection and maintaining high standards of conduct, but also the need to ensure that relevant knowledge and skills are up to date.
2. Apply a reflective model to demonstrate and appraise the processes of discrimination and oppression at both personal and structural levels and their impact on peoples` lives.
3. Demonstrate and critically evaluate key verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills - specifically those of interviewing - required in a range of social work settings.
4. Critically analyse the principles of assessment and management of risk, especially in the context of current safeguarding agendas.
5. Critically appraise the need to engage in effective inter-professional and inter-agency communication and demonstrate effective partnership-working with service users and carers.
6. To be able to demonstrate the relevant level of capability against the Professional Capabilities Framework.
Assignment Advice and Guidance
Whilst you should aim to place an even emphasis and give equal attention to each learning outcome, try not to be too mechanistic such as using each outcome as a sub-heading. It should be clear to the reader that you have tackled each learning outcome somewhere in the assignment. One incident or episode from your placement could also enable you to cover more than one learning outcome. Briefly include a critical reflection on what you have learned about the challenges of putting theory into practice in social work. Make sure you reference the assignment appropriately.
Main body - addressing the learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding that practising effectively as a professionally qualified social worker requires not only critical reflection and maintaining high standards of conduct, but also the need to ensure that relevant knowledge and skills are up to date.
Think back to KVS, what are the knowledge, Values and Skills needed by social workers in general and specifically with this SU group? What is the knowledge from legislation, guidance, theory and research evidence. What knowledge from research is there about the lived experience or outcomes for this SU group? What skills do you need to engage them e.g. communication and work effectively e.g. ensuring risks are managed, you are working collaboratively and you are being reflective, etc. How have you used your reflective skills? In action, after action during supervision?
2. Apply a reflective model to demonstrate and appraise the processes of discrimination and oppression at both personal and structural levels and their impact on peoples` lives.
Expand on critical reflection here. What reflective model have you used to check your practice is non oppressive. How have you considered the social graces (Burnham) and what impact that might be having on your practice? You can apply the PCS model (Thompson) to explain the process of oppression on the structural and personal these levels. However, also critique these models and discuss their limitations.
3. Demonstrate and critically evaluate key verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills - specifically those of interviewing - required in a range of social work settings.
What communication skills have you used to engage your SU? is there a particular model that the organisation uses e.g a strengths based approach or Motivational Interviewing? How are the communication styles applied with these models? What are the limitations? Is here a style or method that you have chosen to adopt, if so, why?What do you consider in your written communication to ensure it is effective? Why is that important? What are some of the barriers to effective communication? How can you overcome them?
4. Critically analyse the principles of assessment and management of risk, especially in the context of current safeguarding agendas.
What are the risk in this case? How were they assessed i.e. what is your assessment process? If there are no current risks, are there risk that this SU group may be prone to e.g. exploitation or abuse due to their vulnerability? How can these risks be managed? what is the legislative framework that advises on safeguarding? What are the guidance used in your organisation? Have the risks raised any ethical dilemmas for you? Has the assessment process raised any ethical dilemmas for you?
5. Critically appraise the need to engage in effective inter-professional and inter-agency communication and demonstrate effective partnership-working with service users and carers.
What other agencies does your organisation work with? What is the guidance on partnership working with this SU group nationally e.g. Working Together 2018 for Children or the Care Act 2014. What theories promote partnership working? What are the benefits and challenges of partnership working e.g. see serious case reviews SCRs. Consider benefits including Anti Oppressive Practice, issues such as disguised compliance, consent and information sharing.
6. To be able to demonstrate the relevant level of capability against the Professional Capabilities Framework.
This LO is related more so to your portfolio, however, you can still reference what you are discussing to the PCFs e.g. (PCF, domain 6).
Critical reflection
Outline how you processed critically and reflectively the observations you made. What have you learned that you will take forward to your next placement? Reference this so that the reader knows you are familiar with different models of reflection and which method of reflection you have adopted. Try to support your critical discussion with evidence of relevant reading on appropriate topics, such as: effective communication, anti-discriminatory practice or involving service users in social work.
The conclusion should be a synthesis of all the key points you have already mentioned, pulling them together in one coherent paragraph. Check back to your introduction to ensure everything you said you were going to discuss, has been discussed and the key points are concluded. DO NOT introduce any new material in your conclusion; the conclusion only contains key aspects of what you have already discussed
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