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Describe what business the organisation is in, what their business model is, how big they are, what their history is (as far as known) and how far they have already advanced in digital adoption and transformation.

This paper deals with the digital transformation trends and strategy in the industry in which you have to focus on the following aspects:

  • Business Model
  • Brand & Customer Experience
  • Cultures & Processes
  • Data Management
  • Innovation within business contexts


Choose an organization from within the industry that you are working on with your group (for CW1). You cannot choose the same organization as another student in your group. Ideally, choose an organization that is not yet at the very top of their industry (small to medium size, with room for improvement in their digital strategy).

Our Open Source Digital Transformation Tool will be published in Week 10. You can use it as a guide for your recommendations. It will also be used to assess your work.

Write the following sections:

1. Short Analysis of your chosen organisation 250 words

Describe what business the organisation is in, what their business model is, how big they are, what their history is (as far as known) and how far they have already advanced in digital adoption and transformation.

2. Recap Main Digital transformation Trends in the Industry 250 words

Based on your group presentation, recap the main digital transformation trends in your industry. Focus on trends that are directly relevant to the business that you are now advising.

3. Digital Strategy Recommendation 1500 words

For each are describe, as far as you known, how the organisation is currently handling the area of business activity, and how they should evolve and transform to implement a more future-oriented digital strategy.

–Business Model ca. 300 words

How does the organisation create value? How do they produce their products and services?

–Brand & Customer Experience ca. 300 words

How does the business present itself to the public and how do they involve the customer?

–Cultures & Processes ca. 300 words

What is the company culture and how does the business handle work processes?

–Data Management ca. 300 words

How do businesses treat data? What uses do the make of it?

–Innovation 250 words ca. 300 words

How does the business innovate? Which technologies do they use to upgrade their services and products?

General Advice

-Refer to studies and reliable sources when you quote any statistics. You do not need to extensively refer to academic studies or research, as this assignment should be written in the style of a consultancy document and not in the style of an academic research paper.
-Put some effort into editing the document nicely (we will look at some sample consultancy documents in class to get an idea).
-Pick a company that either has publicly available information about them or that you personally know and can get information on. Do not pick a company that you know nothing about. Also do not pick a company that is already so advanced in their digital strategy that you can hardly find anything to recommend to them.

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