Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. You may find a timeline useful as part of your explanation
Understand Child and Young Person Development
The word count is there for guidance purposes only.
Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. You may find a timeline useful as part of your explanation
Explain the difference between:
- The sequence of and rate of development
- And why this difference is important
Explain how children and young people�s development is influenced by:
- A range of external factors
- A range of personal factors
Explain how current practice is influenced by:
- Theories of development
- Frameworks to support development
Explain how to monitor children and young people�s development using different methods. You may find it helpful to use work products to illustrate your answer, e.g. child observations assessment frameworks.
Explain the reasons why children and young people�s development may not follow the expected pattern. You may find it helpful to use work products to illustrate your answer.
Explain how disability may affect development.
Explain how different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the expected pattern.
Provide an analysis that shows the importance of early identification of speech, language and communication delays and disorders and the potential risks of late recognition
Explain how multi-agency terms work together to support speech, language and communication.
Explain how play and activities are used to support the development of:
- Speech
- Language
- Communication
Explain how different types of transitions can affect children and young people�s development.
Evaluate the effect on children and young people of having positive relationships during periods of transition. You may find it helpful to use work products to support your evidence
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