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K1. An understanding of the theoretical business start-up, growth activities and risks relevant to the management of the entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity processes

UGB 234 Managing Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Creativity Report 2020

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:


K1. An understanding of the theoretical business start-up, growth activities and risks relevant to the management of the entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity processes

K2. How to construct and evaluate a Concept plan – with key areas of market research, marketing, operations, human resource, legal, finance and contingencies/exitstrategies.

K3. An appreciation and personal reflection of the impact of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity on your under/graduate or an entrepreneur’s journey.


S1. An ability to resolve problems through critical, logical and creative thinking.

S2. An ability to demonstrate risk identification, analysis and management.

S3. An ability to develop communication skills - written & oral; pitching ideas using innovative and creativemethods

Assessment Unit


100% This assignment is an individual piece of work, that is, the work is conceived, developed and written by you – the student. It is essentialthat you contact yourtutor for any assistance during the workshops.

Task: Managing Entrepreneurship, Innovation and CreativityReport The submission of a 3,000-word report (excluding appendices) in the form of a personal enterprise report that explores the key themes of managing entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity– underpinned by theory, practical case studies, evidence of engagement in enterprise activities, including business network events and an analysis of viable business idea/s/ or themes of your choice embodied in a concept plan. All learning outcomes are assessed. The Enterprise report comprising 100% of your marks will provide evidence of you achieving these learning outcomes. You will be required to submit a hard copy plus an electronic version uploaded via Turn It In onCanvas Please note all the work in this assignment should comply with the University ofSunderland regulations. Please refer to assessment guidance and generic marking scheme.

Task 1 – My Story:

In the beginning Part 1 5% 200 - 300 WordGuide Are you entrepreneurial, innovative and/or creative? We want to know who you are. What environment are you coming from? Is your family entrepreneurial? What pre-entrepreneurial skills and attributes are you bringing to the module? This section is the introduction to the report

Task 2. –

Research Questions – Part 2 40% 1000 - 1200 WordGuide Select one of the FIVE research questions below: A, B, C, D or E. Please critically discuss the theme and issues using a broad range of credible sources. Use examples, for example, your concept plan or case studiesto illustrate your answer. Option A –Theme - Society What is social entrepreneurship? What are the motivations in setting up a social enterprise? Option B – Theme -Organisations/Products Happy 20thBirthday Google! Discuss and illustrate, how organisations and products launched post 1999 are changing the way we work and do things? Option C – Theme - Idea/Concept What lessons can we learn in getting our ideas and concepts to the marketplace?

Task 3 –

The Concept Plan - The Blue Sky Thinking! (Part 3) 50% 1800 - 2000 Word Guide Support Note: In this section we expect to see a pitch/analysis of an original viable business idea/s/ or themes of your choice embodied in a concept plan (That is you are required to develop a concept plan based on an idea of your choice. – This should be agreed with the moduletutors). Figure 2 - Suggested Structure of ConceptPlan 1 Introduction – Business Concept and Opportunities 2 Objectives 3 Market Research – Primary and Secondary / competitors 4 Target Market/Customer 5 Marketing 6 Human Resource 7 Operations – Using the Business ModelCanvas 8 Legal Issues 9 Financial 10 Risks, Contingency and Exit Strategies 11 Other issues 12 References 13 Appendices and other supporting documents This is not a fully-fledged business plan, but the ideas and approach is the same, ensuring that the idea and concepts are clear! Do you agree that before you get an idea or business off the ground you should first develop a viable concept? Good ideas/concepts fail due to poor research and not thinking through basic business issues and appropriate controls. Structure of the concept plan will be provided by the tutors. There are opportunities for you to enter your idea in competitions organised by the university or external organisations

Task 4 -

References, Bibliography, & Supporting Documents (Part 5)5% Support Note: This section is “like what it says on the tin.” All work needs to be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System. Online sources should have dates stating when “accessed.” This section will also have supporting documents relevant and appropriate to the portfolio. You should cross–reference any content in the main document back to documents in thissection

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