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LO2 - Identify common challenges and barriers to effective communication

Assessment 1 –Staff Handbook Guidance Document 50% weighting – Marked out of 100.

The Marketing Director of your company, who owns a chain of hotels and resorts, announces that the company is opening a brand new beach resort in Sri Lanka. This is very surprising given the fact that on Easter Sunday, the island was attacked by terrorists who targeted luxury hotels in the capital city of Colombo. The Director says that Sri Lanka is still a favoured destination amongst international tourists and the situation should return to normalcy within three to six months. In anticipation of the new resort being opened within that period of time, the Director wants you to design a poster which promotes the resort and also emphasises the security that the resort provides.

TASK Prepare a two-page poster and accompanying notes to support the poster providing a logical explanation to the message. The accompanying notes should not exceed 500 words.

This assessment requires you to address the following learning outcomes:

LO2 - Identify common challenges and barriers to effective communication;

LO3 - Devise and develop strategies for overcoming communication barriers; LO6 - Demonstrate awareness of cultural influences on communication and negotiation.

Assessment 2 - Individual Report (1500 words maximum) 50% weighting. Marked out of 100%

The Marketing Director of the company that you work for (as described in Assessment 1) is looking for better cooperation between the departments within the organisation. He has asked you to write a report on this with some positive recommendations to achieve this objective. To facilitate inter-departmental cooperation, what measures would you recommend to your colleagues and subordinates to take? What kind of barriers in communication do you face and what is your strategy to overcome them? These two questions need to be addressed in your report. This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:

LO1 -Describe and analyse the purposes and principles behind different forms of organisational communication;

LO4 - Apply principles of effective communication to enhance practice;

LO5 - Evaluate the communication practices of themselves and others; Report Structure: Ensure that the report has the following structure and contains the details outlined:

• Literature review;

• Analysis and discussion of both questions;

• Conclusion;

• Reference List

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