Task B: A written report (2500 words long) relating to the given scenario above.
Your report must include a description of competencies as required of your chosen operational manager/s while demonstrating leadership skills in managing the team at Batley Avenue Health and Social Care. Application of leadership theories, the importance of effective team-building and strategies for resolving the conflict to be presented.
Case Study Scenario and Activity:
For the past four years, Batley Avenue Health and Social Care (BAHS) PLC has received a rating of outstanding from its internal audit and CQC. There is a residential unit on the ground floor for 25 people and a dementia care unit on the first floor for 25 people.
Upon closer examination, these results are due to a combination of factors, and these are due to:
- Excellent management and leadership and special recognition given to the Manager and her two deputies who have worked at Batley Avenue Health and Social Care.
- Effective team-working.
- A high level of clients’ participation in care delivery.
- The unit being regarded as a learning organisation.
- An effective staff development programme.
Mrs Robertson was the unit Manager and her deputies were Miss Johnson and Mrs Baktaria.
Between 9 -11 months ago all three senior managers had left for promotional positions and replacement for their positions was made quickly and all 3 staff have been in their new jobs six months ago.
Miss Jones, the manager is knowledgeable, deemed to be an expert in nursing practice seems unsure about her managerial and leadership style.
Miss Brent, one of the deputy has been practising for 20 years is set in her ways. She does not like change and is regarded as an autocratic manager. She tends to dismiss new ideas for service improvement and unwilling to take risk to try new initiatives.
Mr Baktu the other deputy is a man in his early thirties is enthusiastic about his role and likes trying and testing new ideas. He enjoy inspiring the junior staff and spent considerable time guiding and empowering staff. He is regarded as critical thinker and someone with vision. When he is frustrated he has a tendency to criticise both Miss Jones and Miss Brent for their management and leadership style. Each of these 3 senior staff tended to define their role, their work and work activities from their perspectives.
The care staff are mainly new arrival in the UK, mainly from Eastern Europe and Western Europe.
Two months ago Batley Avenue Health and Social Care internal unit has produced a confidential report.
Key findings:
- Relatives were concerned that quality of care is deteriorating, and stated they have spoken to senior managers but did not want to specify who they spoke to. They have not received constructive feedback as yet.
- There is a rise in staff sickness level.
- Junior staff appear confused, and staff morale is low.
- Lack of management effectiveness and leadership capabilities.
- New staff are not able to fully perform their jobs either due to poor understanding of their role or lack of competence
- New staff will require support and a strategy needs to be in place for staff training and development.
- There appears a dysfunction at the Batley Avenue Health and Social Care operational management.
- Collaborative team-work does not appear to be working.
J.Succaram, 2019
Based on the scenario, complete the following tasks below:
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of the operational manager in Batley Avenue Health and Social Care.
- Explain why different personal skills that are prioritised in leadership through various operational tasks Batley Avenue Health and Social Care.
- Provide an analysis of competencies required in developing your own role as a leader and operational manager by choosing one of the managerial role given in the scenario.
- Evaluate different competencies for the role chosen above.
- Describe different theories of leadership in terms of their application to Batley Avenue Health and Social Care.
- Explain how management theories can support the different context of the working environment within Batley Avenue Health and Social Care.
- Provide an assessment of the benefits of applying theories of leadership to the management of the team in Batley Avenue Health and Social Care.
- Describe the use of theoretical models of leadership in contributing towards he development and management of the Batley Avenue Health and Social Care
- Outline different strategies used to resolve conflict arising between individuals in different contexts that may arise from Batley Avenue Health and Social Care.
- Give an analysis of theories of team building that inform how teams are developed and managed to promote positive outcomes for individuals in both groups of users on the ground floor and the first floor.