To lead a discussion, students are to prepare, on their own, a textual exegesis of 1500-2100 words, investigating the assigned reading, Thucydides, Book VIII (Source: Thucydides
To lead a discussion, students are to prepare, on their own, a textual exegesis of 1500-2100 words, investigating the assigned reading, Thucydides, Book VIII (Source: Thucydides. The Peloponnesian War, Robert Strassler, ed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.), and incorporating the views of at least one other scholar on the reading to be presented to class. For the other scholar(s), you can choose from the sources: 1) Plutarch. Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Volume I. Arthur Hugh Clough, trans. New York: Modern Library, 2001. or 2) Plato. Symposium, Seth Benardete, trans. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. Base your choice(s) on whoever fits best and do not include outside sources. The paper will be submitted to prior to seminar. Late papers will be docked three points per day late. Students will be evaluated for the adequacy of their work on the written page. A good way to begin preparing for leading discussion is to fill at least one full sheet of notebook paper with questions based on the reading. Be sure to find a passage from the reading to anchor each question. Then edit and organize your list of questions, searching for common themes and related passages. Your role is to facilitate a thoughtful discussion of the text, not to prepare an hour-long lecture. Include the list of questions and passage references you come up with on the first page before beginning the seminar paper.
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