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You need to know what the key literature is related to the research objective in order to plan a research study to explore the phenomenon.

This paper deals with conducting a research which carries the primary theme of Talent management focusing on the following aspects:

  • Talent management as a strategic priority
  • The application of talent management in the contexts of the hospitality sector
  • The effects of talent management in the HR of the hospitality sectors
  • The connection of talent management with entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • The challenges curbed through talent management in the contexts of hospitality sectors
  • Choose appropriate research methodologies and strategies
  • Associate the findings of hospitality sector research with identified stakeholders


Unit 18 Research Project

Choosing a research objective/question


Students are to choose their own research topic for this unit. Strong research projects are those with clear, well focused and defined objectives. A central skill in selecting a research objective is the ability to select a suitable and focused research objective. One of the best ways to do this is to put it in the form of a question. Students should be encouraged by tutors to discuss a variety of topics related to the theme to generate ideas for a good research objective.

The range of topics discussed could cover the following:

 Talent management as a strategic priority

 The implications of talent management in the hospitality sector

 The impact of talent management on the role HR in the hospitality sector

 Talent management for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

 Challenges of managing talent in the hospitality sector

The research objective should allow for students to broaden their understanding and widen their perspectives by being able to explore, argue, prove, and disprove a particular objective. They should be feasible, novel, ethical, relevant and ultimately of interest to the student.

Unit Learning Outcomes


LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant to a hospitality research project

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a hospitality industry research project to identified stakeholders

LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

Assignment Brief and Guidance


You are working as a consultant for a service industry consultancy company such as Sheraton Hotel or an organisation of your choice – your own place of work if appropriate. You have been approached by an organisation in the hospitality/travel and tourism sector to conduct research into a key area of the industry on Talent Management and the importance of contextualising into business strategy to promote staff retention and productivity. You have been asked to conduct a research choosing one of the themes below to focus on: 

• Talent management as a strategic priority

• The implications of talent management in the hospitality sector

• The impact of talent management on the role HR in the hospitality sector

• Talent management for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

• Challenges of managing talent in the hospitality sector


The organisation has left it to you to decide what specific topic would be appropriate to investigate related to the theme.   Once you have identified your research topic and objective you will undertake the following steps to collate, analyse and present your findings. This will be presented in the form of a research report.


  1. Complete a Literature Review (Secondary Research)

You need to know what the key literature is related to the research objective in order to plan a research study to explore the phenomenon. Conduct a literature review using a range of sources relating to the research topic.  Evaluate the validity and reliability of the sources, discussing current understanding on the research topic area


In your report discuss the sources of literature found and how they relate or otherwise to the research topic.  Your report should critically evaluate literature in order to assess the validity of the literature in supporting the research topic.

  1. Develop a project proposal for researching the research objective identified.

Your research proposal identifies the purpose of the research project with clear aim and objectives and justifies the chosen research methods in terms of the research question.

Discuss the ethical issues which will need to be considered and examine the research methods and approaches to be taken.

Prepare an action plan with target dates and methods for monitoring and updating your activities to ensure your meet the deadline for the final written report

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