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Examine how HR strategies were changed by the firm. Use of concepts of strategic HRM should be evident.


TASK DESCRIPTION – (Individual Assignment 100 %)


“UK companies are reportedly not ready to bring employees back to the office and are actively planning or considering permanent changes to the workplace following the events of the past 18 months. ”.  Greedy, E, 20th July 2021.

( )

Critically discuss the above statement by selecting just any firm from the UK and examine how the firm had to change HR practices and strategies as the effect of the pandemic.

 Using the chosen firm as a case study critically analyse and examine the areas given below.

A) Examine how HR strategies were changed by the firm. Use of concepts of strategic HRM should be evident. (350 words)

B) Analyse the impact of environmental factors on culture and HR plan of the chosen firm. (350 words)

C) Use any HR model and state how value was created by the firm. (350 words)

D) Using Storey’s 27 points of difference between HRM and Personnel Management as a benchmark, state what is being practised by the firm?  (350 words)

E) Analyse the job design strategies of the chosen firm. (350 words)

F) State the  hiring and firing strategies of the chosen firm during this period. (350 words)

G) Use corporate examples of firms using good HR practices and literature to justify your stand. (200 words)

H) Based on the discussion and debate what suggestions / recommendations would you make to employers regarding HRM practices to ensure that the organisational performance is high? (300 words)    

PLEASE See page 4 for suggested word count breakdown which add up to 3,000 words

See below for the full explanation of the marking criteria

The Topic/title

  1. Feel free to discuss possibilities with your lecturer. It’s usually best to research a company and study the one that offers most information about internal HRM policies and management practices.
  2. Describe’ means ‘this is what happened’, ‘Analyse’ means ‘this is why it happened’.
  3. Recommendations could relate to the future, or to what others could learn from this situation.

  Basic Format:

  • A title page, a contents page, an introduction, a main section with sub-sections, and a recommendation, conclusion and references. Clear headings are essential. Relevant sources of information should be cited using the Harvard referencing system. Examine how HR strategies were changed by the firm. Use of concepts of strategic HRM should be evident.
  • Any areas of doubt need to be raised with your lecturer

The tasks A to F addresses all the learning outcomes.


A maximum of 3000 words not including contents, appendices or list of references. 

  1. Introduction -200 words
  2. Task A meets L01-350 words
  3. Task B meets L02-350 words
  4. Task C meets LO3-350 words
  5. Task D meets L04-350 words
  6. Task E meets L05-350 words
  7. Task F meets L06-350 words
  8. Task G- Use of corporate examples and literature-200 words
  9. Task H- Suggestions/ Recommendations-300 words
  10. Task I- Conclusion- 200 words


Please note the following when completing your written assignment:

  1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
  2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
  3. Document format: Report
  4. Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a reference using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
  5. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive. Examine how HR strategies were changed by the firm. Use of concepts of strategic HRM should be evident.

The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed journal articles, professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable statistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be in Harvard style. LO1: Appreciate the distinction between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management by analysing personnel and HRM models will be met using task A.

Learning outcomes assessed:

LO1: Appreciate the distinction between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management by analysing personnel and HRM models will be met using task A.

LO2: Examine the concepts of strategic HRM and contrast with those of strategic management will be met using task B.

LO3: Understand and evaluate the concept of an organisations` Model of Employment, and the organisational levers available to manage human resources in such a way as to contribute to sustainable competitive advantage will be met using task C.

LO4: Understand the impact of regional and national culture on the practice of HRM will be met using task D.

LO5: Understand the significance of culture to organisational behaviour and HRM practice in general and apply the practices needed to carry out HRM in trans-national/international/international-subsidiary organisations will be met using task E.

LO6: Evaluate where and when international HRM changes local business systems will be met using task F.

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