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a. Provide a brief explanation for why you have chosen this particular policy and social problem to analyze.

  1. Introduction
    a. Provide a brief explanation for why you have chosen this particular policy and social problem to analyze.
    b. What value criteria are you using to assess the policy (e.g., effectiveness, empowerment, etc.)?
    B. What is the social problem/ condition the policy sets out to remedy, ameliorate or strengthen?
    a. Is there a general consensus concerning the problem? Is the definition and dimension of the problem contested?
    b. What is the size and scope of the problem?
    c. What evidence exists about the problem trend – is it stable, increasing, or decreasing?
    d. What evidence, if any, is there that clients have been formally involved in shaping the policy? Are they objects or subjects?
    C. What is the public social welfare policy you are analyzing?
    a. When was the policy created (legislation passed) and what major revision (s) - if any - has it undergone?
    b. What organized constituencies supported and opposed the creation or revision of the policy and for what reasons?
    D. What are the stated goals and/or objectives of the policy?
    a. Does the legislation or legislative history present goals/objectives. If so what are they? If not, how do you infer the goals/objectives?
    b. Based on your understanding of the social problem, to what extent do the goals/objectives reflect our understanding of the problem? For example, are these mainstream goals/objectives, goals/objectives fitting a particular ideological perspective, or are they outliers?
    E. What benefits/services does the policy establish?
    a. Are the benefits/services public social utilities/personal social services (AKA, hard and soft benefits) or a mixture of the two?
    b. What specific benefits/services does the policy establish?
    c. What does the policy require of clients/beneficiaries (if anything) in exchange for the benefits?
    d. Based on the preceding sections, to what degree do the benefits/services seem likely to alter positively the social problem?
    F. Who is eligible for the services/benefits?
    a. What are the eligibility criteria?
    b. To what extent is discretion involved in determining eligibility?
    c. Is the eligible population free to seek the benefit or can they be mandated to receive it (involuntary)?
    d. Do the eligibility rules emphasize target efficiency?
    G. How is the policy financed?
    a. What sources of revenue or taxes are used to finance the policy?
    b. Is the funding stable, increasing, or decreasing?
    c. If the funding is awarded via block grants or grants-in-aid to states, what criteria determine how much each state receives?
    H. How is the policy implemented or administered?
    a. What federal government, state, and county agencies are responsible for administering the policy?
    b. To what extend does the policy rely on multiple layers of government and the private sector? 
    c. What mechanisms (e.g., block grants, contracts, vouchers, regulation) structure how the various administrative levels work together?
    I. Interaction effects
    a. Impact
    i. Is the policy deficit or strengths-based?
    ii. What evidence exists for the social problem changing as a result of the policy?
    iii. Is there any evidence of unanticipated negative consequences of the policy?
    iv. Based on the preceding sections, do the various sections (A through H) have consistency or are they incongruent?
    b. Assessment
    i. Using the value criteria mention in the introduction, what is your overall assessment about the policy?
    ii. What policy changes would you recommend?

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