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Choose any UK-based small business from any sector of your choice and provide some general background.

Introduction (500 words)

Choose any UK-based small business from any sector of your choice and provide some general background. This forms your introduction of the portfolio. (500 words).


You can find some companies from 100 stories and other links below.

Cite the place you found it to be SME. Go to company House, and Endole have more information including financial plan.


 Your company will be ‘small’ if it has any 2 of the following:

  • a turnover of £10.2 million or less
  • £5.1 million or less on its balance sheet
  • 10-50 employees

1. Small Business Justification (500 words)


Write a 500-word statement justifying why you believe your chosen business qualifies as a small business. (500 words).


2. Business Portfolio

Draft a detailed business portfolio on the company, based on a rigorous, comprehensive and detailed knowledge base of theory/literature – from any three topics (500 words each) covered in class. Financial planning must be one of these three topics. (1500 words).


  • Marketing
  • Operations management
  • Forms of ownership
  • Growth strategies
  • Financial plan
  • Strategic Management
  • Business Plans
  • Leading a growing company


Use any of the above for Question 3.1 and 3.2 based on the chosen company.


3.1 (500 words)

 Strategic management of the chosen company or Business planning (Business Plan) of the chosen company. (One of them only).


3.2 (500 words)

Operational management of the chosen company or Growth strategy of the company (One of them only)


3.3 (500 words)

Copy the financial plan of the chosen company and paste, then see below.

  • This will be financial plan of the chosen company. It will comprise the financial plan, Cash flow, Balance sheet and Cash Flow statement. Copy and paste the company one. But you need to analysis all the financial plan, Cash flow, Balance sheet and others.
  • See Below.


  • Use literature to define the different elements of a financial plan
  • Balance sheet (statement of financial position)
  • Income statement (profit and loss account)
  • Cash flow statement
  • Use literature to explain the aspect(s)of the financial plan that you will focus on

Provide your financial analysis

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