Describe person-centred care, the impact of this approach on clinical practice, and demonstrate how you would care for Roy in-line with this approach
Assessing Needs and Planning Person-Centred Care - NRS020C104S
After participating in this session you will be able to:
- To develop an understanding of the process used in nursing to assess, plan and deliver care
- To explore the use of nursing models in the assessment, planning and delivery of care
- To identify how these nursing models apply to the nursing process
- To apply the nursing process to case study examples and formulate care plans
Title: Describe person-centred care, the impact of this approach on clinical practice, and demonstrate how you would care for Roy in-line with this approach
Write 500 words considering the concept of person centred care in relation Roy`s case study. This should be submitted to the portal below by 2pm Tuesday 4th May 2021. A webinar will be held on Friday 14th May 2021 to explore the feedback further as a group.
Please note the formative assessment for this module does not count towards your final mark.
Introduce your assignment, sign post the reader to the content, outlining what the assignment is going to include, and identify which case study you are focusing on. (50 words)
Person-centred care
Provide a paragraph identifying what person-centred care is and its impact on practice. (150 words)
Focus on one of the case studies
Relate the concept of person-centred care to Roy. Consider the following:
- What has their experience of person-centred care been so far?
- What would you consider if you were providing person-centred care to Roy?
Ensure you refer to contemporary and relevant literature.
(250 words)
Provide a succinct conclusion, summarising the key points made. (50 words)
Reference list
Ensure you include a reference list that adheres to the University guidelines
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