• General entrepreneurial issues in hospitality, tourism and events?
BP Assignment - Individual Report Guidelines 2021
You are required to submit a report of an evaluation of a business plan (max. word count 3000 excl. executive summary, contents page, references and appendices).
You need to critically analyse and evaluate one of three supplied business plans. Each student should show clear evidence of their understanding of all contents related to business planning and the entrepreneurial decisions involved. There should be evidence of financial knowledge, strategic thinking, planned market demand and operational requirements.
Themes to be evaluated were all covered in lectures, and include:
• General entrepreneurial issues in hospitality, tourism and events?
• Entrepreneur traits’ reflections in the business plan, i.e. professionalism & due diligence?
• Stakeholder Management (customers, employees, investors etc.)?
• Feasibility of the planned venture?
• Business plan structure, content and concepts used, and how it’s communicated to the
• Accuracy of the financial planning and the integration of resourcing, operations and future financing needs?
• Marketing strategy & principles utilised, public relations considered?
• Start-up operational issues identified and planned for?
• Management vs. Ownership issues considered?
• Strategic and growth issues projected and planned for?
• Quality and performance measurements incorporated?
• Project management of implementation and risk assessed?
• Ethical and environmental issues considered?
All the above points will be subjected to:
A. Depth of Research, Critical Analysis and Evaluation, which includes:
i. Thorough understanding of the business plan purpose, contents and outcomes
ii. Evidence of detailed critical analysis that is justified based on credible sources
iii. Best industry/theory examples to illustrate, compare or to benchmark
iv. Analysis leads to realistic, logical and relevant conclusions, and valid recommendations
B. Presentation of the report:
i. Correct Formatting & Referencing
ii. Presentation of document and professional report formatting
iii. Appropriate use of academic English
iv. Accurate referencing; relevant and up-to-date list of references; appendices
v. Appropriate use of graphs, figures and tables to support the content
Note: you are not required to cover all given themes, but only as much as you would want to go into detail with your analysis, within the required wordcount. Thus, less themes covered = more indepth analysis, which equates to a more substantial report. Verification and justification with relevant and credible literature is crucial
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