Understanding and application of design concepts, qualities, and skills
(10 minutes VIDEO presentation/demo & interactive prototype), max. 12-page pictorial
The submitted file should be in the form of a PDF (.pdf).
Task Overview
You respond to the brief below by designing and prototyping an appropriate interactive technology. The deliverables for this assignment are (1) a 10-minute video/audio presentation of your design process (2) live demo of your interactive prototype, (3) a pictorial documenting your design process and interactive prototype, following the guidelines below, and (4) your interactive prototype. Your prototype can be low-fidelity but it must be interactive (e.g. interface mock-ups, wireframes, and user journeys). You should demonstrate an Understanding of human-centred design principles, approaches, and techniques and an Understanding of design skills for social change through your documentation of the design process and your rationale and critical reflection on the prototype you produce.
You should use your pictorial as the basis for your audio/video presentation.
Design brief:
You have been approached by the local authority in Gateshead to design and develop a digital resource for addressing food poverty. What this might do or look like is left intentionally vague so that it can emerge from your research and design process. It could be something that people in food poverty might use to find services that are available to support them in Gateshead, and something that community organisations providing services for people in food poverty (e.g., food parcels) can use to communicate with people in poverty, and coordinate with other organisations, for example. Whatever form it takes, your design decisions should be justified with respect to your research and design work.
2. Pictorial (max. 12 pages, excluding references):
“Pictorials are papers in which the visual components (e.g. diagrams, sketches, illustrations, renderings, photographs, annotated photographs, collages) are the primary means of conveying information with at least, if not more, importance as the accompanying text.”[1]
You should use the template and follow the formatting guidelines on the DIS2020 website1.
Your pictorial must document your design process (including formative prototypes and activities), present your interactive prototype, and explain your rationale for both of these, making reference to any data, literature, or design concepts that these relate e.g., design fictions that you may have produced. It should demonstrate the following:
- understanding and application of design concepts, qualities, and skills
- use of appropriate methods and prototyping materials to design and develop interactive prototype(s)
- an appropriate design and development process and rationale for design decisions,
- evidence of the relationship of the designed artefact to research (using citations to academic literature)
- critical reflection on the value of the designed artefact for addressing a social change challenge
3. Interactive prototype:
You are not required to submit your interactive prototype, but you must present a demonstration of it in your audio/video presentation. Your prototype can be low-fidelity but it must be interactive (e.g. interface mock-ups, wireframes, and user journeys), and your demo should clearly illustrate how a user might interact with it.
Limits and penalties
Your pictorial should be no more than 12 pages in length, excluding references. Only the first 12 pages will be considered when marking.
Your presentation/demo must not be more than 10 minutes in length. Content after 10 minutes will not be considered for marking.
[1] https://dis2019.com/pictorials/
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