Understanding the role of the nurse and skills necessary to promote physical and mental health and wellbeing, and prevent ill health.
Promoting health and preventing ill health
Summative assessment
Formulate and evaluate a care plan on health promotion for an individual.
Identify a health issue, design a health promotion care plan, evaluate your care plan
Main body
Identify a health issue – at individual / family / community / national / global levels and provide brief background of the health issue including who is at risk, risk factors, and how it presents.
Design a health promotion care plan: problem – what is the health issue/problem, assessment; assess – how do you assess for the existence of the health issue / problem; goal – what do you hope to achieve; intervention – how are you going to achieve your goal.
Evaluation of your care plan: did you achieve or not achieve your goal, give reasons for your achievement or non-achievement, what are alternative assessments, goals, and interventions
Summarise what you have done; what is the implication of this experience for your professional and personal development Referencing: follow the LSBU Harvard Referencing style Grading: refer to LSBU Rubric grading system
• Understanding the role of the nurse and skills necessary to promote physical and mental health and wellbeing, and prevent ill health.
• Understanding social determinants of health and the impact of inequalities on individuals, families and communities and how nurses can contribute to the reduction of health inequalities.
• Comparing and contrasting health promotion approaches and theories that support behaviour change at an individual and population level.
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