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Critically review and assess the relationship between different Stake Holders in the development of policy and its impact on cross border and global organisational strategy

Level 8 QUALIFI Diploma in Strategic Certificate Management and Leadership Unit 802: Strategy Direction in Cross Border and Global Organisations

Unit code: LCPS/ F/506/9130

Assignment 006 - Strategy Direction in Cross Border and Global Organisations

Assignment 006 consists of two questions. You are expected to answer both questions in this Assignment. The word limit for Assignment 006 is a maximum of 5500 words. Remember, all the words you use to answer the questions, including quotations and citations, count. You should use the mark allocation for each question as a guide to the number of words required as follows:


Maximum mark(%)

Suggested word count

Section A


3500-4000 (Task 1-4)

Section B


1000-1500 (Task 5)

Any words used that exceed the overall word count for the Assignment will not be marked or commented on.

You must provide a reference list and a word count at the end of your work. The reference list is not included in the word count.

Assignment Questions:

In this assignment it will allow senior strategic managers to explore the influences and impacts upon cross border and global policy and strategy. It will support improvements in setting direction, the approach to and in forecasting success of cross border or global policy and strategy..

Section A Question 1

(a) Critically review and assess the relationship between different Stake Holders in the development of policy and its impact on cross border and global organisational strategy.

(b) Critically evaluate the contribution of economic, political and social factors to the development of cross border and global organisational policy and strategy.

(c) Critically assess and evaluate the role of domestic, national, and multi-national interests in the translation of policy in cross border and global organisational strategy

Question 2

(a) Identify and evaluate the policy position of different partners involved in the development and implementation of inter- organisational strategy.

(b) Evaluate tensions and conflicts of interest in the roles of different Stake Holders, and propose innovative solutions to enhance relationships and outcomes in order to achieve a coherent output.

(c) Develop models which support inter-organisational working and which respect the integrity of partner organisations and their political, moral, social and economic stance and differences

Question 3

(a) Critically identify and assess key economic drivers.

(b) Critically evaluate the impact on existing policy and strategy commitments of the finance and funding of operational activities arising from new cross border or global strategic and policy imperatives.

(c) Propose and critically assess ways of funding unexpected operational activities which will need to meet cross border or global organisational policy and strategic commitments.

Question 4

(a) Review and critique current methods and theories of cross border and global organisational strategic planning and implementation.

(b) Propose original and innovative alternatives to improve cross border and global organisational communication co-ordination, strategic planning and operational implementation, and critically evaluate their likely impact.

Task B Question 5

(a) Research and critically review authoritative, quantitative and qualitative data and sources to identify relevant political, social, economic, technological and moral trends which may affect short, medium and long-term inter-organisational policy and strategy.

(b) Use current concepts, theories and methodologies to forecast likely future events which will affect and be affected by cross border and global policy and strategy.

(c) Propose alternative and innovative solutions that challenge perceived wisdom to achieve better outcomes from the process of cross border and global organisational policy and strategy formulation.

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