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For Task A: you should include a SWOT analysis and include a reflective analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities.

Unit 4 Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care (L4)


LO2 Be able to produce, monitor, revise and evaluate plans for personal progress in developing the skills and abilities required of a health and social care practitioner

Task 1: Complete the following forms (Section 1 of your Portfolio)

1. Log sheet (200 hours)

2. Signed /stamp/The work experience learning agreement

3. Work experience Self-Evaluation

4. Your current Curriculum Vitae (CV)

5. DBS

6. Training Certificates from work on professional development (Scan documents)

7. Health and Safety Induction

For Task A: you should include a SWOT analysis and include a reflective analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities.

For Task B: Complete 1 Learning Styles Questionnaire ONLY

For Task C: Holistic Review, Action Plan and Review of Progress

LO1: Understand how personal values and principles influence individual contributions to work in health and social care settings.

LO1A. Compare personal values and principles in health and social care and compare them with the principles of support for working in health and social care such as (dignity, respect, confidentiality, choice, privacy, independence etc.). To further support your answer, you can incorporate your own health and social care workplace experience. [P1.1]

LO1B. You must assess how personal culture and experience influence own role in supporting users of services and others in health and social care settings. Here again, you can support your answers by using examples from your own relevant health and social care work experience 

LO1C. Finally, in your essayyou must discuss how new developments (i.e. new legislations; new priorities; new targets; new research; codes of practice) and changes to personal values can impact on work in health and social care. You must take into consideration when discussing your answers to include how you would overcome tensions and conflict and principles of good practice in relation to your own personal values

To achieve M1, complex problems regarding new developments such as legislations, new priorities, new targets, new research(s), codes of practice and changes to personal values have been explored and its influence on the way a service user carries out their work in health and social care organisation

LO3: Understand the application of principles of professional engagement with users of health and social care

Case Scenario

The borough of Trafford was experiencing significant delays in home care providers responding to requests to provide multiple care visits for clients. This was resulting in significant numbers of delayed transfers of care and sometimes meant that older people were staying in a hospital bed longer than necessary. Stabilise and Make Safe (SAMS) is a short-term intervention designed to increase a person’s chance of long term independence following hospitalisation or a community referral. It is limited to six. A social worker, you will carry out statutory assessment at the start of the intervention and a follow up assessment at the end to measure outcomes (level of independence achieved).

You are working as a social worker with Trafford Council and have a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting to discuss the service user (Mabel) who suffered a stroke resulting in memory problems and was discharged home with the support of a re-ablement service. Your line manager has asked you to produce at the next MDT meeting a fact sheet to discuss Mabel’s case in which all members of the team will be present. They include doctors, nurse, physiotherapist, speech therapist, and pharmacist and family members. You can draw on your own work experience in creating your factsheet. 

LO4: Be able to demonstrate development of own skills and understanding in relation to working with others in health and social care practice

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