LO1: Examine the factors that influence hospitality consumer behaviour and attitudes
19: Hospitality Consumer Behaviour and Insight
Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals and organisations and how they select, buy, use and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants (Kotler and Keller, 2006).
Studying consumers provides organisations with clues for improving, or introducing, products or services, setting prices, devising channels, crafting messages, and developing other marketing activities (Kotler, et al., 2008).
It is mainly concerned with psychology, motivations, and behavior. The study of consumer behavior includes:
- How consumers think and feel about different alternatives (brands, products, services, and retailers).
- How consumers reason and select between different alternatives.
- The behavior of consumers while researching and shopping.
- How consumer behavior is influenced by their environment (peers, culture, media).
- How marketing campaigns can be adapted and improved to more effectively influence the consumer.
Unlike other business organisations that deal mostly in tangible products with service coming second, the hospitality industry is mainly concerned with services first, and their products might be seen as secondary to the services that they provide. The consumers will be satisfied by the quality of the service provided as compared to the quality of the products in other business environments.
It is therefore important for managers in the hospitality industry to understand how consumers make decisions on the types of services they need and where to obtain the services.
While realising that creating memories and joyous experiences for consumers is a key dimension affecting the profitability and growth of any hospitality organisation, the aim of this assessment is to appraise students’ knowledge and understanding of the consumers’ decision making process. The assessment will enable students to exhibit their comprehension of the factors that influence customers’ decisions.
Students are expected to relate real world examples including their own personal experiences in doing this assignment.
Knowledge and understanding will be assessed in the context of the students’ presentation and report to fulfil respective learning outcomes
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1: Examine the factors that influence hospitality consumer behaviour and attitudes
LO2: Demonstrate the ability to map a path to purchase in a hospitality context, including the decision-making process
LO3: Evaluate appropriate forms of research to understand influences on the hospitality consumer decision-making process
LO4: Evaluate how marketers influence the different stages of the hospitality consumer decision-making process.
Scenario and Activity
You have been appointed as a marketing analyst for a UK-wide hospitality organisation. Your remit is to monitor the purchasing decisions of the organisation’s customers. In your role as a market analyst you will also need to understand how your organisation’s customers think and feel about different alternatives of products and services, and how marketing campaigns can be adapted and improved to more effectively influence them.
Your line manager has asked you to give a presentation for departmental managers to demonstrate your understanding of consumer behaviour.
Submission is in the form of a 15-minute group presentation using relevant software, with five minutes allocated for questions. (5 students per group). The presentation slides and speaker notes should be submitted as one copy. You are required to make effective use of Microsoft PowerPoint headings, bullet points and subsections as appropriate. Research should be referenced and bibliography provided using the Harvard Referencing system. It is recommended that you provide not more than 20 slides with introduction and references.
The presentation will:
- Investigate the different cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes within a hospitality context.
- Explore how consumer trends are changing due to the impact of digital technology.
- Undertake an analysis of how cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour and attitudes are changing and driving trends in hospitality.
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