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Q1: Taxation is the key component of any government’s fiscal policy. Explain the different types of taxation, making sure that you define each properly and comment on their relative importance, and discuss how each can be used to influence economic

7BUSS001W.2 Economics for Management end of unit coursework  (Semester 2 2018-19)

This assignment is worth 70% of the overall module mark

Q1: Taxation is the key component of any government’s fiscal policy. Explain the different types of taxation, making sure that you define each properly and comment on their relative importance, and discuss how each can be used to influence economic growth. For research purposes and contextual discussion, use the UK.


Q2: High unemployment is a scourge. Governments must make benefit payments and forego taxes, not to mention the psychological impact on the unemployed.

a) For either Spain or Italy, research the nature of unemployment, i.e. where it is, who it is and how it has arisen. (30 marks)

b) Suggest means for the alleviation of this unemployment, taking into account the overall economic circumstances of the country, which should be properly referred to. (20 marks)


Total = 100%

Word count limit Q1: 1750

Word count limit Q2: 1750

Each answer should be in the form of a short report, therefore it should include an introduction and conclusion but an executive summary is not required. Any charts or graphs should be in the body of the report and not in appendices. References for each question should follow your answer to that question.

The answers should be fully referenced (referencing may be either Harvard or “footnotes” in Word). Please note that a large bibliography containing references that are NOT used in the text will lose marks.

Both questions require you to do your own research.

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