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Unit 4: Management and Operations - LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager

Unit 4: Management and Operations

Learning Outcomes

LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager

P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager. 

M1 Analyse and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager by effectively applying a range of theories and concepts. 

D1 Critically examine the scope, development and growth of entrepreneurial ventures. 

LO2 Apply the role of a leader and the function of a manager in given contexts

P2 Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager apply in different situational contexts.

P3 Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership, systems leadership and contingency

M2 Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to situations within the work environment.

D1 Critically examine the scope, development and growth of entrepreneurial ventures.

LO3 Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play in the operations function of an organisation

P4 Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that leaders and managers play.

P5 Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives

M3 Evaluate how leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational management to successfully meet business objectives.  

D2 Critically evaluate application of operations management and factors that impact on the wider business environment.

LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between leadership and management in a contemporary business environment

P6 Assess the factors within the business environment that impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers

M4 Analyse how these different factors affect the business environment and wider community

D2 Critically evaluate application of operations management and factors that impact on the wider business environment.

Unit 4: Management and Operations

Purpose of this assessment This assignment is designed to assess the learner’s knowledge of the principles of management and operations, enabling them to identify and use fundamental tools and concepts that incentivise leadership, managerial and operational improvements within organisations, in order to reap business benefits. Vocational Scenario: Assume you are part of the Human Resources (HR) department of an organisation of your choice. As part of the company’s commitment to excellence through the continuous improvement and training of their staff, they have asked you to prepare informative didactic material that will used in their corporate training programmes. The organisation is seeking to identify talented individuals who will be groomed for influential positions. As such, it is important to identify and define key behavioural characteristics and traits related to the role of managers and leaders within business and organisational environments. TASK 1 – InfoGraphic - Must Demonstrate fulfilment of LO1 (P1, M1, D1) Working individually and using a specific design tool (as instructed by your lecturer), you need to produce a creative and informative Infographic that: 1. Define the difference between the roles of a manager and a leader 2. Includes specific business and individual examples to show different types of behaviours

Task 2 – Individual Exam - Unit 4: Management and Operations 

Must Demonstrate fulfilment of LO2 (P2, P3, M2, D1) Students will sit an individual closed book 2-hour examination. The exam will include two parts. Part A – Assessment Questions Includes questions that will require learners to demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of course topics. Part B – Short Case Study Using a short case study, which will be available before the exam, students will need to answer questions that will require them to demonstrate their ability to critically analyse specific business scenarios by applying course concepts and theories to practical situations.

TASK 3: INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION - Must Demonstrate fulfilment of LO3 (P4, P5, M3, D2) & LO4 (P6, M4,D2) Working individually, you will select a renowned organisational leader and you will prepare an engaging and informative PowerPoint presentation where you will showcase their personal leadership profile and the achievements they accomplished through management and operation performance improvements. The presentation slides should cover the following areas: 1. An overview of the individuals biography and career highlights. 2. An introduction to the key operations of the organisation they transformed. 3. An evaluation how the internal and external operation management environments created an atmosphere that allowed for that particular individual and his respective leadership style to flourish. 4. How operational efficiencies improved to successfully meet business objectives, using appropriate management and leadership approaches. 5. Conclusions and supported recommendations for future improvements to be taken by the leader and the respective organisation

PSY1003 Assignment Instructions

Unit 4: Management and Operations

This assignment has been designed with the aim of enhancing your understanding of the module topics.  It will form (30%) of your mark for this module. The maximum word count for this assignment is 1000 words. You will hopefully learn a lot throughout your degree. The knowledge you develop is important and should be shared. The approach you take to sharing this knowledge will depend on the intended audience.

The assignment should be written in the form of a ‘blog’. Please choose an appropriate title for your blog. The blog itself is comprised of two parts:

Part A (approx. 500 words)

  • The aim of this section is to explain something that you have learnt from this module so far to someone who has no prior knowledge of psychology or neuroscience. You can choose any topic that has been covered in the following lectures. You do not need to summarize the entire lecture (or corresponding chapter from the reading list); LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager instead we suggest that you focus on an aspect of the lecture / chapter that you are interested in:
  • Introduction to Psychopathology
  • The Anatomy of the Nervous System
  • Neural conduction and synaptic transmission
  • Research Methods in Neuroscience
  • Classification and Assessment in Clinical Psychology
  • Start with a brief description of what you are explaining. This can be anything that you have found significant, memorable, or interesting from the content covered in the above lectures. The way in which you explain this is up to you, as long as you feel that it helps the intended audience (a novice) to develop their understanding. The markers will be looking for clarity in the explanation and the appropriateness of your approach for your intended audience.LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager You may include diagrams if you think this will facilitate understanding.

Part B (approx. 500 words): Unit 4: Management and Operations 

  • The aim of this section is to critically reflecton the decisions you have made. Critical reflection is about considering your own thoughts, feelings and experiences and determining how they fit in with the ideas, concepts and theories presented to you. The types of points you might include here are:
  • Why did you decide to choose to explain this topic?
  • Why was this interesting to you?
  • Why is it important to understand this topic?
  • How is this relevant to things you may encounter in daily life, and / or important issues that have been in the news recently?
  • Has this content changed or influenced your views and understanding of the topic?

Please provide a sources (or sources) which support your key points. This is also useful if the reader wishes to follow up on the topic. This could be the corresponding book chapter from the core reading, a journal article, newspaper article, other online source, etc.

Unit 4: Management and Operations 

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