You are to access the company’s income statement and balance sheet via the internet. It is probably easiest to use the information from the company’s website, but you can also find statements through the SEC’s EDGAR database
HFT 4464 Financial Exercise
Total Points: 60 Assignment: You will pick up a hospitality company from the list provided by professor.
You are to access the company’s income statement and balance sheet via the internet. It is probably easiest to use the information from the company’s website, but you can also find statements through the SEC’s EDGAR database (the annual report is called the 10K).
The income statement may also be called a “statement of operations” or a “statement of profit and loss”. Nevertheless, it should show the company’s revenue and expenses, which of course, is the income statement.
HFT 4464 Financial Exercise
Copy the statements into an Excel spreadsheet (for at least past 2 years). Be sure to use formula functions for the totals and subtotals. (This would include items such as total revenue, total current assets, etc.)This will be demonstrated in class. You will also need to print out the formulas. This can be done from the Excel menu as follows: “Formulas”, and click on the “Show Formulas”.
You are expected to turn in six pages of material (Hard Copy): the original income statement, the original balance sheet, the income statement in Excel, the balance sheet in Excel and two pages of formulas. Each component is worth 10 points.
Make sure your name is on the front page and the pages are stapled together. Also, you are required to turn in the same via CANVAS assignment drop box. For online submission, you can either copy the original statements to a word document, or paste them on separate worksheets in the same excel file.( Remember to rename the worksheets!)
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