Assess the viability of introducing the chosen company to a different country, outside of the UK, where they do not currently operate, using the SOSTAC framework.
Practical - Group Presentation
Assessment code:
Academic Year:
Module Title:
Principles and Practices of Marketing-PPM
Module Code:
Module Leader:
Time Limit:
20 minutes
Assessed Learning Outcomes
Assessment date:
Please refer to the deadline on the VLE
This is a group assignment.
No extensions are available for this assessment.
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies Team . See rules 6.112 – 6.141:
You must provide a hard copy of your PowerPoint slides at the start of your presentation.
Ensure that slide 1 includes all the group members’ names and SID numbers.
Use Harvard referencing to acknowledge the sources
Your final slide should provide the Reference List using the Harvard system.
This is a group based assignment that requires you work in a group of three to deliver a 20-minute presentation. Time allocation is 18 minutes for delivery of the presentation and 2 minutes to answer panel questions on your content.
Select one of the companies, below.
Leisure/ gaming companies
Health foods and supplements
Character Group PLC
Holland and Barratt
Gear4music PLC
Planet Organic
Team17 Group PLC
Whole Foods UK
Assess the viability of introducing the chosen company to a different country, outside of the UK, where they do not currently operate, using the SOSTAC framework. Each element of SOSTAC should be applied separately, but a holistic overview needs to also be used so that each element is integrated within the company’s planned strategy. Each of you will lead on one of the three tasks, below.
Task one (Student one). Time allowed: six minutes.
Present the following SOSTAC elements:
S ituational analysis based on the macro environment of your chosen country
O bjectives
Task two (Student two). Time allowed: six minutes.
Present the following SOSTAC elements:
S trategy
T actics- focussing on Place, Price, Product/ service and Promotion, incorporating one or more of the following approaches
Task three (Student three). Time allowed: six minutes.
Present the following SOSTAC elements:
A ction C ontrol
Finally; you will conclude the presentation by justifying why the country represents a viable target for this project.
(80 marks)
Individual task completion: Content, structure and presentation style.
(20 marks)
Group: Team dynamics, quality of content, and visuals.
Clear understanding of SOSTAC as a planning framework, which includes the three taught marketing options (Standardise, Adapt and Glocal), that support SOSTAC’s situational analysis.
Knowledge of relevant literature that would permit an understanding of effective marketing solutions.
Strategies and tactical plans that are supported by a sound information base. Assess the viability of introducing the chosen company to a different country, outside of the UK, where they do not currently operate, using the SOSTAC framework.
The ability to use creative marketing skills and knowledge in a practical and applied situation.
Work that demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination.
Clear and engaging presentation style and delivery.
Evidence of effective team work.
Clear and consistent formatting.
Referencing, of material by the presentation group.
Your work must be fully supported with references (cited in the Harvard style).
You must use all of the following:
Kotler, P. Keller, K. Goodman, M, Brady, M. Hansen, T. (2019) Marketing Management. 4th European Edition (4th edition), Pearson. Assess the viability of introducing the chosen company to a different country, outside of the UK, where they do not currently operate, using the SOSTAC framework.
Andrews, J. Shimp, T. (2017) Advertising, Promotion, and other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications (10th edition), South West
Hollensen,S. (2020) Global Marketing (8th edition), Pearson
At least three other academic sources (e.g. publications/ journals)
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