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1.1. Explain the principles and purpose of job analysis.


Unit 10 Contributing to the process of Job analysis (CJA):

Total 1,500 words                                                                     max with 10% = 1650

Learning outcomes                                    

The learner will:

Assessment criteria

The learner can:

  1. 1.  Be able to explain the principles, purposes, and practice of job analysis.

1.1. Explain the principles and purpose of job analysis.

1.2. Compare and contrast different methods of job analysis. and practice of job analysis

2. Be able to contribute to the process of job analysis.

2.1. Develop a plan to undertake a job analysis

2.2. Undertake a job analysis

2.3. Interpret and present the results of the job analysis, making recommendations to meet organisational requirements.

Identify a new role in your organization and undertake a job analysis. The role can alternatively be an existing one that has undergone significant change since it was first introduced.

The analysis is to establish the key components required for the job, in order that the Head of Department can write a job description and person specification.

The following activities should be undertaken:


Write a short report to the Head of Department to briefly explain:

A.C 1.1  * Why job analysis is important.

               * The principles and purpose of job analysis.

= Workbook 25-27

To: Secretary-General of the Cultural Attaches.

A.C 1.2 Compare and contrast (differences and similarities) of 3 different job analysis methods.

= you can use this Video: Job analysis methods


A.C 2.1 Produce a plan showing how you will carry out the job analysis using at least 2 of the methods outlined above (include timeframes, steps, individuals involved, etc., this could be presented in a Table Format)

It is important in your plan to indicate how you have considered issues such as equality, confidentiality, and the wider organizational culture.

Please build the writing including this information:

  • Job Title: Academic Supervisor.
  • Where: Saudi Cultural Attaché Office.
  • The Purpose: Supervision and follow-up of Saudi students outside of Saudi Arabia.
  • Job Activities: -
  1. Ensuring that students maintain the national identity and their commitment to appropriate behaviour, taking into account the regulations of Saudi and the country of scholarship.
  2. Providing the academic services needed for Saudi student and solve their academic issues.
  3. Providing support to Saudi students studying on their account and in language institutes, giving advice, responding to inquiries, and issuing permit letters to study at universities recommended under regulations followed in this regard by the relevant authorities.
  4. Carrying out continuous visits to the universities which the scholars are studying and strengthening academic relations with them to facilitate the procedures and support of the scholarships in all aspects.
  5. Coordination with the Ministry and relevant authorities regarding academic affairs under the procedures followed by the relevant authorities.
  6. Care and follow-up of students with scholarships with disabilities under the procedures and regulations followed by the relevant authorities.
  7. Supervising the certification procedures for academic certificates, coordinating with the Department of University Cooperation and liaising with the attaché, under regulations followed in this regard, and coordinating with the relevant authorities.
  • Individuals Involved:
  1. Secretary-General of the Cultural Attaches.
  2. Cultural attaché.
  3. Deputy Minister for Universities, Research and Innovation.
  4. Human Resources Manager.

A.C 2.2 Undertake the job analysis–You will need to upload your evidence of having carried out your activities.

•This should include copies of documentation you used in an appendix, e.g. SWOT analysis, completed observation log, questionnaire, copies of email exchanges, questions to be asked and responses, meeting notes with a Line manager, data to be accessed etc.,

A.C 2.3 Having completed the job analysis exercise and reviewed the evidence, you need to write to your line manager and:

Give a brief overview of the job analysis activities you carried out and your key findings.

Make realistic recommendations of what should be included in the job description and person specification as well as any learning & development needs or safety measures that might need to be considered.

Please note –you are not asked to write or revise the job description or person specification itself.

You can use this Resources:

Module 1: Principles, purpose and practice of job analysis

  • CIPD Factsheet: Job design

  • MARTIN, M. and WHITING, F. (2016) Human resource practice. 7th ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
  • Acas Well designed work

Module 2: The process of job analysis

  • CIPD HR Inform Templates and Tools

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