SWOT Analysis of Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust or Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
SWOT Analysis Report
Assessment code:
Academic Year:
Module Title:
Healthcare Environment
Module Code:
Module Leader:
Ursula Hennessy
Word Limit:
This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
Assessed Learning
Submission Deadline :
- This assignment must be completed individually.
- You must use the Harvard referencing system.
- Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
- Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
- Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
- Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
- You must number all pages.
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NHS England in 2019 published the NHS Long Term Plan (NHS England, 2019). This plan has been designed to help sustain the NHS over the next ten years and has highlighted certain aspects within care provision that need to be taken into consideration such as disease prevention, the eradication of health inequalities and offering ‘digital first’ care where appropriate.
As an external consultant, you have been asked to perform a SWOT analysis to help advise an NHS Foundation Trust as to how they can enhance their performance and incorporate the NHS Long Term Plan effectively within the delivery of care services.
You should research ONE London NHS Foundation Trust, choosing either:
Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust or
Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Use their most recently published Annual Report that is available on the Internet to determine their overall performance as an organisation and how they are responding to the needs of the local population within the catchment area.
To gain a clearer picture of the needs within the catchment area, please review the local CCG and JSNA reports.
State five key research findings in each section of the SWOT table. (Include the table in the assignment)
Write paragraphs about two of the key aspects that you have identified (Two from each section of the SWOT table)
Finally, make five recommendations based on your SWOT findings and analysis.
You need to mention how the chosen Foundation Trust can maximise strengths/opportunities and minimise weaknesses and threats.
References for all sources, including the research findings, should be included.
The following assessment should be written in the form of a report. Please ensure that you incorporate:
- Title page
- Executive summary
- Contents
- Introduction
- Main body incorporating: a SWOT Analysis, discussion paragraphs with headings.
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
- Reference list
Follow the structure below for the main body of your report.
Firstly, describe and explain the role of a SWOT analysis (maximum word count 50 words)
Produce a table as shown in the example below pertaining to your chosen NHS Foundation Trust: An example has been presented for demonstration purposes only - you should not include the examples below in your final submission.
In order to deal with increased demands Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust (2019) “redesigned patient pathways to provide virtual clinics and allow patients to be monitored at home” (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2019).
They have built upon their “good” rating from the CQC in order to continue to develop services
(Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2019).
Now look for 3 more strengths that have been highlighted within the report that can relate to the NHS Long term plan and/or provision of care.
Staff absence rate have increased from 31.823 (2017/2018) days to 55317 days (2018/2019) across the foundation trusts (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2019).
The Trust is below average for equality, diversity and inclusion, health and wellbeing, safe environment (violence) and safe environment (bullying and harassment) (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2019).
Now look for 3 more weaknesses that have been highlighted within the report that can relate to the NHS Long term plan and/or provision of care.
£20.5 billion annual funding boost for the NHS outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan (NHS England, 2019).
The investment and improvement of NHS technology to help service delivery (NHS England, 2019).
Now include three more opportunities that the Foundation Trust may receive from external sources.
Emergency care provision continues to be a challenge for Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as there is a continuous growth in demand for services
(Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2019).
Rising demand and treatment costs as identified by the Health and Social Care Act (2012) highlight pressures on the NHS are increasing, as the population ages and long-term conditions become more common; more sophisticated and expensive
treatment options are becoming
available. The cost of medicines is growing over 600 million a year.
Now include three more threats that the Foundation Trust may face from external sources.
The increased demand for service provision that Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust has faced has resulted in the NHS Foundation Trust developing new and innovative ways to meet the demands. One such example includes the construction of virtual clinics to help monitor patients within their own home environment (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2019). This can be seen as advantageous as it allows more time for clinicians to see larger number of patients and also from the comfort of their own home. It can be argued that this will result in better usage of staffing whilst maintaining effective clinical delivery.
Second paragraph here about the second headline. Weaknesses
One of the weaknesses that the NHS Foundation Trust faces is the increase of staff members that have been reported as absent from work. This will reduce the capacity for service provision to be carried out to the optimum level and will also result in increased costs to replace the sick members of staff.
Second paragraph here about the second headline. Opportunities
Write approximately 2 paragraphs linking back to headlines in the SWOT table. Threats
Write approximately 2 paragraphs linked to relevant headlines in the SWOT table.
- 1. It is recommended that in order to continue to maximise the strengths/opportunities that are present that Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust should ……
- 2. It is recommended that in order to minimise weaknesses/threats that Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust should …
Plus 3 more recommendations
Overall Marking Guide
Task Number
Skill Level
Actions carried out by student
Maximum marks
The Learner defines and explains the use of SWOT analysis
The Learner produces a comprehensive SWOT analysis (London based)
The Learner discusses their SWOT to assess how well the
hospital is performing with regards to the achieving the
aims of the NHS Long Term Plan.
The Learner uses their findings from their SWOT in suggesting appropriate recommendations for the hospital to undertake in order to meet the requirements of the NHS Long Term Plan.
Total marks available for content of assignment
Marks reserved for academic quality of assignment: Student demonstrates competence in applying Harvard referencing. Student writes with a good flow and structure, with very few obvious spelling/grammatical
Total marks available for the assignment
Please ensure that you use key sources of information with regards to academic referencing that include and are not limited to your course textbook: Buchanan,
D.A. and Huczynski, A.A. (2019) Organizational Behaviour 10th Edition. Harlow, Pearson.
Please incorporate professional journals and websites such as: The Health Service Journal, The King’s Fund and NHS England websites.
- There are 60 marks available for the SWOT description, table and paragraphs. For the student to be awarded for example 30 marks or above, the student must include some research taken from the key resources such as the NHS Long Term Plan and must have linked a paragraph to two of the key points made in each section.
- There are 30 marks available for the recommendations section. The recommendation must link back to the paragraphs.
- There are 10 marks available for quality, for a higher mark the structure should be followed and the key research and reading referenced.
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