Unit FM4.14: Understanding quality management in facilities management
Unit FM4.14: Understanding quality management in facilities management
1. Understand the principles of quality management and apply them in a facilities management context
1.1 Describe the principles of quality management (including the 8 core principles of quality management)
1.2 Describe the benefits that quality management can bring to facilities management (relating each of the 8 core principles to facilities management)
1.3 Explain how a Facilities Manager can apply quality management principles to initiate improvements (supporting the explanation with example/s drawn from the learners own experiences and/or case studies)
2. Understand quality standards and accreditation schemes
2.1 Describe quality standards and accreditation schemes applicable to facilities management (including ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems, European Foundation for Quality Management, Investors in People, International Organisation for Standardisation)
2.2 Explain how quality standards and accreditation schemes impact on facilities management (supporting the explanation with examples of how quality standards and accreditation schemes can guide the set-up of systems and processes to ensure that critical FM requirements (such as maintenance, statutory compliance and end user satisfaction) are all addressed successfully)
3. Understand how to implement a quality standard
3.1 Describe the steps to implement a known quality standard in the context of facilities management (including reviewing the requirements of the standard, assessing the requirements against the business operation, documenting the work flows or process maps for all activities, identifying any gaps in current processes or management, taking steps to mitigate risk, improving processes and closing gaps, monitoring on-going performance against the standard )
3.2 Explain the methods to monitor and review the successful implementation of the quality standard (supporting the explanation with examples of performance measurement, process audits, stakeholder meetings, corrective action plans, and process updates)
4. Understand the concepts of continuous improvement
4.1 Explain what is meant by continuous improvement and its equal importance to the facilities management function and the core business of an organisation (no additional guidance)
4.2 Describe the principles, tools and techniques used to evaluate performance (providing an overview of general quality management tools such as Deming’s cycle, Lean manufacturing, six sigma and TQM)
4.3 Demonstrate the methods of collecting and assessing information on performance (using example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies)
4.4 Use the findings to identify areas for continuous improvement (using the same example/s as for the previous assessment criterion)
4.5 Explain how the programme of continuous improvement benefits an organisation, its customers and other key stakeholders. (no additional guidance)
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