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1.1 Starting with definitions to base your evidence on for both coaching and mentoring, explain both their similarities and differences.

ASSIGNMENT TASK (5,000 words- 5,500 max)

You have been asked to present a report on the business rationale for Coaching and Mentoring, within either your organisation or one that you are proposing to work in, to the Senior Management Team (SMT).  This report will help the SMT to further develop their understanding of the role of Coaching and Mentoring and its benefits to individuals, teams and the organisation as a whole.

There are some potential factors which would reduce the chance of success and the SMT has requested you to set out strategies for addressing how these potential factors can be addressed so that a successful programme can be achieved. 

Provide an answer for ALL of the following tasks:

The opening section of your report demonstrates your ability to be able to apply knowledge and understanding of best practice to your current context.

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the purpose of coaching and mentoring within an organisational context

1.1 Starting with definitions to base your evidence on for both coaching and mentoring, explain both their similarities and differences. You must provide a minimum of two similarities and two differences. (Add clarification to similarities & differences & why) 

 [your text here]

1.2 Provide an evaluation of how the organisational context affects coaching or mentoring, include at least three of these for either coaching or mentoring.

 [your text here]

1.3 Present the business rationale for either coaching or mentoring, including at least two benefits to individuals and at least two benefits to organisations.

 [your text here]

1.4 Make an assessment of how the impact of coaching or mentoring will be measured for both individuals and the organisation.  Include at least one example of a measure for individuals and one example of a measure for the organisation.

[your text here]

1.5 Looking ahead, identify at least two potential individual barriers and at least two potential organisational barriers to coaching or mentoring and develop strategies to overcome or minimise each of these potential barriers.

[your text here]

In the second section of your report, create a ‘fit for purpose’ training proposal that will support individuals in their development as an effective coach or mentor. This proposal may be based on the theoretical aspects required for aspiring coaches or mentors.

Learning Outcome 2: Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective coach and mentor (Don’t just list skills & behaviours, but explain who & how they are important to the coach & coachee).

2.1 Review the required knowledge and skills and behaviours for future course content, in order for each individual to become an effective coach or mentor. Provide one referenced example for each of knowledge and skills and behaviours to support the review.

 [your text here]

2.2 Communication skills are an essential part of the coaching and mentoring role, in order for the coach or mentor to be effective. Conduct an analysis of the required communication skills, including at least four skills

[your text here]

2.3 The report should include a review of the responsibilities of the coach or mentor to manage effective relationships in order to inform the job and role description of the coach or mentor. The report should also include how the coach or mentor remains ethical and non-judgmental.

[your text here]

2.4 Select and review a coaching or mentoring model that can be followed within an organisational context. (Discuss coaching models eg, STAR; GRO. Talk about experience of using them, pro’s & con’s).

[your text here]

2.5 Provide a justification for reflective practice and individual and peer and group supervision as part of the ongoing professional development requirements of the coaches or mentors to ensure competent practice.

[your text here]

In order to provide a pool of established coaches and mentors within the organisation, prepare the necessary guidance and documentation that will be used as part of the contracting process and ensure a consistent approach across the organisation.

Learning Outcome 3: Understand the importance of effective contracting and management of the coaching or mentoring process

3.1 Analyse the reasons for and the characteristics of an effective contracting process. Reference must be made to a membership body’s code of practice to inform the analysis. (For e.g, CIPD. Analyse reasons for contracting).

 [your text here]

3.2 Provide an explanation of how to manage the coaching or mentoring process and include the main stages of the process, from initial contracting to final evaluation. (How you would engage with wider areas, eg. Stake holders. Add your input as well as the process, expand on the process).

[your text here]      

Glossary (new page)

[Where you have a lot of terms or abbreviations, list them here with a brief definition] (Not essential to have a glossary)

References (no more than 12-14 references in total for the whole assignment!!)

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