Clinical validation of serum IL-8 in colorectal cancer patients and efficacy of CETUX adjuvant treatment
Assessment support for Assignment #2 MD7123
Final submission:
Write a data analysis report based on the information provided during the MD7123 lectures and the dataset provided on Moodle.
Project: Clinical validation of serum IL-8 in colorectal cancer patients and efficacy of CETUX adjuvant treatment
To describe the population groups characteristics (see Figure below)
To evaluate the use of serum biochemical markers in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer
To test the correlation of a new biomarker (IL-8) with the “gold standard” (CEA)
To measure the effect of a new therapeutic agent (CETUX) on IL-8 levels in patients under treatment
To assess the efficacy of CETUX concerning the survival of these patients
Your report should include (word counts below are indicative:
Detailed description of groups and characteristics (250 words)
What will you compare, between which groups and why (250 words)
What statistical methods will you use and why (250 words)
What statistical tests will you use and why (250 words)
Write the specific and overall conclusions drawn from this study (500 words)
Include all the appropriate Figures and tables generated from your analysis with descriptive legends and titles (500 words)
Use appropriate references where needed to justify your statistical analysis.
References: Reference List as APA 6 (in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the surname of the first author)
Word count:
2000 words (±10%)
Tables and figures (and legends to figures and titles) are included in the word count, while references list are excluded from the word count. Intext citations are included in the word count.
Use abbreviations where appropriate, e.g. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (define the abbreviation at first appearance in the text)
Recommended Format:
It is recommended that the assignments should be written in the third person and in form of discursive paragraphs.
Title: Bold with font size 14
Headings and Subheadings : Bold with font size 11 or 12
Font size: 11 or 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Paragraph spacing : 1.5
Tables: Each table should have a number (Table 1,2,3…) and a title that placed above the table. Large tables need to be presented in a landscape layout.
Figures: Each figure should have a number (Figure 1,2,3….) and a legend that placed under the figure. For any copied figure reference must be provided.
Each table and graph should be self-explanatory so if you have any abbreviation, the full term of the abbreviation should be written under that table or the figure.
You must refer to each table number and each figure number in the text.
Submission Instructions
Don’t write your name on the assignment, please provide your assessment number or your J number.
Submissions should be made electronically via the ‘Assignment #2 Submission’ link on the Moodle page.
It is the responsibility of the student to submit on time. Don’t leave the submission till the last hour before the deadline because this might cause a late submission. If you experienced any issue with the submission, please contact LIS
Please ensure that all work is your own and follows established academic standards. All external sources of information should be cited and referenced correctly using the APA 6th referencing format
All assignments will be assessed for plagiarism using the Turnitin plug-in. In line with good academic practice please ensure that sourced material is reworded in manner appropriate to your assessment and referenced.
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